Try out the method to check the total amount shopped at Amazon Shock facts

Even if you do not go to the store you can do shopping if you click it, and you can also deliver it Amazon is very convenient and tends to use it as it is. Bookmarklets that calculate the total amount shopped at Amazon are open to the public so when I tried it in practice, I was thinking that I was about to fall off the chair unintentionally.

Amazonで一年間に使った金額と、注文履歴のTSVを出力するブックマークレット【2015年版】( ) のminify

I wrote a bookmarklet that summarizes how much I have shopping at Amazon so far - Moroya

To calculate the total amount shopped on Amazon, first log in to Amazon andOrder historyOpen.

When you open the order history GitHub Gist "A bookmarklet that outputs the TSV of the order history in the amount used at Amazon for one year and the order history [2015 version]Open "and click" Raw ".

Copy all the displayed text ... ....

Paste it in the address bar of Amazon's order history page that you opened earlier. When copying the copied text, since "Javascript:" at the beginning is deleted, manually enter this part and press "Enter".

Or you can click and drag and drop all the selected text onto the bookmarks toolbar in the browser and click on the bookmarklet generated with Amazon's order history page displayed.

When "Do you want to count the number of years'?" Is displayed, enter "2014" with half-width numerals and click "OK".

The total amount shopped by Amazon in 2014 after tens of seconds is displayed.

Also, when entering the age, put "all" and click "OK" ......

The total price you shopped so far will be displayed.

People with a high usage frequency of Amazon may be displaying a tremendous amount, so be careful so as not to fall down from chairs in astonishment.

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