After the conflict disintegration caused by the collapse of Yugoslavia, I felt "I can never comprehend"

A series of disturbances caused by demolition of Yugoslavia where the ideals of multicultural symbiosis collapsed. Many lives were robbed in the Bosnian conflict, Kosovo conflict. The rest of the conflict remains as a still abandoned shop. Although acceptance of immigration will be discussed in Japan, how much do we know about the history of Yugoslavia that failed in coexistence and co-prosperity?

Hello,Takuya Sudo @ circle around the world bicycle @ Charridermanis. I went around the Balkan Peninsula, which I traveled in 2010, at the beginning of this year again. There is a town that remains unchanged even after five years. After the collapse of Yugoslavia, it tells the difficulty of the multiethnic state.

◆ Former Yugoslavia
Seven borders (Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania)
Six republics (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia)
Five ethnic groups (Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegro, Macedonian)
Four languages ​​(Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian)
Three religions (Catholic, Serbian Orthodox, Muslim)
Two letters (Latin letters, Cyrillic letters)
One state (Yugoslavia)

It is represented by these wordsYugoslavia Socialist Federal Republic (former Yugoslavia)It was a country rich in diversity. Although it was a socialist state according to the country name, it opposes the East side campaign led by the Soviet Union due to policy differences and takes a neutral position under the Cold War. In order to maintain the federal state, ethnic movements are thoroughly repressed. It was the second president who showed outstanding leadership at this timeTitowas. However, its peace will not last long. After the death of Tito, nationalism emerged in each republic. In the 1990s each republic is independent one after another. It became a civil war situation in part.

Belgrade was once the capital.

◆ Abandoned shops remaining in Mostar
This independent, the most serious situation was the Serbs, Croats,Bosnyak (Muslim)And Bosnia · Herzegovina where three ethnic groups lived. For Croatians seeking independence, Bosniaks, Serbs repulsed and demands separation. Even if it comes to conflict from military conflict, the situation is confused because no ethnic group occupies majority. Originally the Serbian forces were dominant, but weakened due to the military intervention of NATO centered around the United States. Although peace was tied after the cease-fight, it has been three and a half years since 1992Bosnian conflictBy 200,000 people are killing their lives.

It is located in the southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina that tells the severity of this conflictMostaris. Furuhashi crossing the Neretva River dividing the city "Stari Most"The Old Town is registered as a World Heritage Site and is crowded as a tourist destination.

Old town full of history.

Stari Most, also known as the symbol of Mostar.

On the other hand, if you walk in the city, you can not turn your eyes away from the sad history. During the Bosnian conflict, fierce battles were fought. In the city, many abandoned houses can be said to be scars of conflict. Stari Most was also destroyed in conflict and the current bridge was rebuilt.

The mark of the bullet remaining in the residential building.

A honeycomb building.

Art drawn on the wall where the bullet remains.

In the city of Mostar, scattered houses were scattered enough to make you sad.

Even huge buildings like this are left without being dismantled.

Abandoned houses are sandwiched between brand new buildings.

Twenty years since the end of the civil war. The trees grow like destroying the abandoned houses where nobody lived.

Routine of the local people walking in the abandoned house.

Abandoned shop where a huge picture was drawn.

Although the first floor part was rebuilt, the upper floor remains unchanged.

Inside the abandoned house where debris remains.

A 6-story building is in the form of a framework only.

The left half is in shape, but the right half is a building which has collapsed.

At the time of completion, it is a concrete building that you can see that things were worthy.

Building like this public facility was quietly standing as if time had stopped.

Message with the destroyed bridge, do not forget the conflict.

Mostar is visiting by bicycle in 2010 as well. Although there was only recognition as a sightseeing spot, the number of tremendous abandoned houses made me feel the stage of the conflict.

After the claws of the conflict that remained in memory from the sightseeing spot.

Only part of the time, time has stopped from the conflict.

Even in Kosovo who fulfilled independence
At the conclusion of the Bosnian conflict, the demolition of the former Yugoslavia, which once seemed to have calmed down. However, Albanian-based residents of the Serbian Republic occupy soonKosovo Autonomous RegionIt starts to move toward independence. Developed into an armed conflict that the uprising by the Kosovo liberation army is suppressed by the Yugoslavia Federation Army. At this time the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro, a newFederal Republic of Yugoslavia (New Yugoslavia)Was formed. Even in this Kosovo conflict, NATO will take military intervention. It was because of the Yugoslavia federal army that the Kosovo Albanian inhabitants are in the crisis of genocide. Even then, we could not compete with NATO, the Yugoslav Army withdrew from Kosovo. Kosovo breaks out of the control of the Republic of Serbia.

This Kosovo also ran on a bicycle in 2010. Like Mostar, the building where the Lord has disappeared has been abandoned.

The church of the capital Pretty Schna.

A building that collapses when running is scattered around the side of the road.

Although there are no residents, only the building exists.

The church in this place also looks indifferent.

Spring has visited the vividness of the green to highlight the sadness of the things that break.

Cenotaph for the Albanians who lost their lives due to a series of conflicts.

◆ Demonstration Corps encountered in Kosovo
Kosovo leaves independence from Serbia and Kosovo fulfills independence. Including the United States and Japan110 countries approve the independence of KosovoHowever, Spain, Russia, China etc. with domestic ethnic problems are not approved. Although this is Kosovo, about 5% of Serbian residents live with Albanian-based residents, which account for the majority. From such domestic circumstances, Serbian ministers also existed within the administration of Kosovo.

This Serbian ministerDemonstration to resignOccurred on January 27 this year. In Serbian Orthodox Christmas, Albanians interfere with Serbs who were planning to visit the monastery in Kosovo. The reason for the demonstration is that the Serbian minister said "barbarians" for this. Part of the demonstration has become mob and has issued numerous arrestors.

On the day when the demonstration happened unfortunately, I stayed at Pretty Schna in the capital of Kosovo. The hostel and the demo site are a bit tough. I did not have anything in the morning, but the live video of the TV I saw at the destination showed an unpopular boulevard. And it is a sharp siren sound to get into the ear. It was obvious that something was happening. Although I was worried about what will happen, it seems that it came to the end before dusk. However, the morning is a town that has changed completely. It was obvious that it was not an ordinary demonstration.

The riot police with a shield and a crowd that roughs.

On the streets streets.

A tremendous number of block pieces fell from where they brought it.

Plastic cards thrown away.

This boulevard also crowded as pedestrian heaven.

Smoke was smoldering from the burned trash can.

◆ Serbia who became a bad guy
Montenegro who was acting with Serbia until the end also became independent in 2006. Serbia was a party to both the Bosnian conflict and the Kosovo conflict and received NATO military intervention from inhuman acts. On the other hand, I wonder if the outcome of the conflict was equal to Serbia. Although Kosovo, which is dominated by Albanian citizens, is independent of Serbia, Serbian citizens occupy a large numberRepublic of SrpskaHas not fulfilled its independence from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The agreement of the international community sometimes seems contradictory, and no one is convinced of it. Serbs who lived in Croatia tooRefugee by civil wardoing.

As the peace of the Bosnian conflictDayton agreementYou will be connected. It was the content that constitutes Bosnia and Herzegovina as a federal state by the Croatian, Bosniak, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbs by the Srpska Republic. As such, when traveling by bike in 2010, I will cross the "border" in one of the countries. When running, the current malice was also overlapped with past tragedies, and the feelings tended to sink very much.

Flag of the Republic of Srpska listed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A memorial monument in the middle of the road.

Person's name written in Cyrillic letters. Many people lost their lives in conflict cases 1992 and 1993.

Malice that denies the Republic of Srpska. "BiH (Bosna i Hercegovina)" is an abbreviation for Bosnian, Croatian.

A sign with a Cyrillic character filled.

The capital of the new and former Yugoslavia, and Belgrade, which also took over the capital of the current Serbia, was also subject to a bombing by NATO during the Kosovo conflict. Buildings of national broadcasters that suffered major damage are still left untouched at that time.

Russia, which is said to be close to Serbia, questioned Western counterparts' response to demolition of Yugoslavia. Such distrust is linked to the consolidation of Ukraine's Crimea last year and the upheavals in the eastern region. Regarding the consolidation of the Crimea, Russian President Vladimir PutinKosovo in the speechI cited it.

Yugoslavia, which expressed his ideals that "we can understand" was dismantled. And yet, we are not breaking the chain of hatred. We are walking the flow of sad history.

(Sentence / photo: Takuya S. Narou Charriderman
Cycling around the world for a bicycle
Twitter@ Shuutak

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