I drank Coca-Cola Oolong tea "Tsumugi" that used 100% of domestic tea leaves early.

Speaking of tea that is sold at Coca-Cola "Ayataka"Or"KurokaHowever, from March 16 (Monday), Japanese oolong tea "Tsumugi" using domestic tea leaves will appear. Since I had the opportunity to drink Tsunagi before release, I tried what kind of taste it is.

Domestic tea leaves used 100% "Oolong tea in Japan" March 16 released nationwide ~ A careful work created "Japanese taste oolong tea" ~

Blue is keyned in the package of Tsunagi. It is said that this was conscious of indigo dyeing of traditional Japanese crafts.

The package written with "Tsurugi" in Hiragana is very simple.

With domestic tea leaves, it is oolong tea sticking to the manufacturing method.

Raw materials are Oolong tea (domestic) and Vitamin C only, fragrance etc not used.

Calories are 0 kcal.

The fragrance after opening is not that strong.

In order to see how much color it shines, I will try to pour a piece of chilled in a refrigerator into a transparent cup.

It is transparent brown, and it is the same impression as other oolong tea.

The taste is similar to oolong tea from Suntory, but there is no shame but there is a sharp taste that does not disturb the meal. It seems to be suitable for Japanese food without discomfort, so it seems to be good when eating Chinese food.

Tsunagi is released from March 16 (Monday). People who like oolong tea seems to try once.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log