Euron · mask of the inventor in the field test of "Hyperloop (hyper loop)" high-speed moving means exceeding 1000 kilometers per hour GO sign
In Japan, a linear motor car is scheduled to open in 2027 as a means of transportation of dreams, but it is overwhelmingly faster than other linear motor cars "Hyper loop"Is a superman entrepreneur known as the founder of Tesla Motors and SpaceX in August 2013Earlon maskWas devised. And finally Mask announced that we made hyper loop test course.
Hyperloop Alpha - hyperloop-alpha.pdf
(PDF file)
Hyperloop | Tesla Motors
Elon Musk plans to build Hyperloop test track - CNET
A hyperloop is a mask pursuing something more quickly, which means that it can move at a lower cost,Tesla MotorsWhenSpaceXIt is the next generation ultra high speed moving means born by recruiting ideas for employees of the company.

The image looks something like this. A near-future ride "Hyper Loop" blasts in the tube (tube) at a maximum speed of 800 mph (about 1300 kilometers per hour).

Hyperloop is a fan on the front of the vehicle to change the air pressure to reduce the air resistance and at the same time introduce air to the bottom of the tube to float the vehicle.

In short, it is an electric car (a train) that floats in the air hockey principle and blasts inside the tube.

In the initial plan, the hyper loop is 28 people.

Like this, a tube will connect the city and the city like a train. As solar panels are pasted over the top of the tubes, it is said that solar power can cover much of the power required for running hyper loops.

The hyper loop plans to connect San Francisco and Los Angeles, which is 600 kilometers away, in 30 minutes.

That plan is a hyperloop plan, but the inventor is that Earon Mask who has established the Tesla Motors which became the top runner company of electric cars in just 10 years and SpaceX which raises the plan of Martian resettlement plan in a private rocket , Where to expect. However, the hyperloop plan was not progressing, as the mask was busy with the steering of Tesla Motors and SpaceX.
Meanwhile, the mask was tweeted on Twitter on January 16, 2015, and it became clear that the Hyper Loop concept starts to move greatly at last at tweeting, "I make a hyper loop test course, the place to test is Texas."
Will be building a Hyperloop test track for companies and student teams to test out their pods. Most likely in Texas.
- Elon Musk (@ elonmusk)2015, January 15
Mask is about SpaceX's rocket launch failure "Rocket is risky (dangerous)"And,"Artificial intelligence is a dangerous existenceIt is famous for doing "bombshell remarks" such as "often on Twitter." Knowing that the global entrepreneur's own remark raises a disturbance, by daringly talking about bombs, sometimes the mask which has greatly moved the world will embody the hyper loop concept in what way, Expectations swell.
For the construction of a hyper loop between San Francisco and Los Angeles, it is estimated that a cost of 10 billion dollars (about 1.16 trillion yen) is required even for a single tube.
· Continued
Ultra high-speed transfer system "Hyper Loop" plan of 1000 kilometer per hour steadily progressing toward realization - GIGAZINE
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