Terrorists claim copyright violations and get personal information of anti-Islam YouTuber


By identifying the content of the copyright holder on YouTube, when a person other than the right holder uploads the video without the permission of the right personSystems that can be detectedHowever, it turned out that a terrorist who used this mechanism acquired personal information such as YouTuber's home who operates anti-Islamic channel by false allegations and sent a threatening email.

Youtubes Daten gefährden Islamkritiker

Terrorists used false DMCA claims to get personal data of anti-islamic youtuber - Slashdot

According to German news site Faz, a channel criticizing Islam "Al-Hayat TV"From the group called" FirstCrist, Copyright "Digital Millennium Copyright LawBecause the channel was suspended due to a violation complaint, we declare personal information in accordance with YouTube's procedure to return online.

The channel has come back, but since then FirstCrist has received a letter with a threatening letter saying "Thank you for your personal information, you better protect the police at home." In the procedure of infringement declaring copyright infringement, it seems that personal information of Al-Hayat TV was specified from the information obtained because information such as e-mail address is passed to the copyright holder side.

Al-Hayat TV claimed that "It is a false violation allegation from the Islamic fundamentalists" when the channel stops, and protested the method of returning the channel without revealing the identity of personal information etc. to YouTube side However, personal information has passed to terrorists, and the name of the operator of Al - Hayat TV is now listed on Al - Qaeda 's blacklist.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log