YouTuber sues 'the YouTube copyright program is broken' after receiving a large number of false reports

Mumbo Jumbo, a YouTuber who has posted a live video of Minecraft, received a large number of 'violation reports' from YouTube on the morning of May 19, 2019. The violation report is 'the artist's song is being used without permission in the movie', and Jumbo actually used the artist's song in the movie, but after obtaining official permission It was what I used. Jumbo has complained that 'the YouTube copyright program, which has to prove its own innocence, is broken, against a large number of misdirected reports of violations.'

YouTuber Receives 400 Copyright Claims Before Lunch | 5 Magazine

In order to crack down on malicious content on YouTube, content owners are able to manage their own content through a mechanism called ' Content ID '. Movies uploaded to YouTube will be checked against the file data submitted by the content owner, and if the content has been used without permission on YouTube, the owner can make a claim regarding the Content ID.

Jumbo uses the artist's songs in his own movie, but all of these songs have been approved by the person and used after exchanging contracts. The movie summary section contains the song title, credits and links to the official page.

However, on the morning of May 19, Jumbo noticed that an email was sent from YouTube informing a large number of 'reports related to the use of music'. The violation report was filed by

Warner Chappell , a member of Warner Music Group .

In the end, Jumbo reported violations against as many as 400 movies out of the total of 1800 movies. ProleteR and Jumbo, who provided the songs used in the movie, maintain a good relationship, and of course all the songs in the movie have been used with permission. Despite the fact that the violation report has been received, Jumbo carries out a procedure to prove that he or she has obtained permission to use the music for each violation report. It takes a great deal of effort and time.

This is a movie posted by Jumbo on the day of receiving a large number of violation reports. It is a claim that 'YouTube's copyright system is broken'.

YouTube's copyright system is broken

Jumbo, who lives as a YouTuber, has been extremely frustrated with reports of violations from YouTube. It points out that the current violation reporting program is biased towards the 'reporter' side, and that Content ID can be used by content owners to systematically report a large number of violations.

Jumbo has received 400 violations reported by a system that seems to be automated, but YouTube has adopted the '3 strike system' which will suspend accounts when the number of violation warnings has accumulated three times. In order to avoid termination of the account due to the 3-strike system, it is necessary to carry out procedures to prove its innocence in all violation reports, but it is necessary to be a daunting task.

Even if the procedure is incomplete, Jumbo's account is in danger of being suspended, but in fact, to the reporter who reported the wrong violation to Jumbo who is authorized to use the content. There is no penalty. Jumbo complained that creators are forced to do a lot of paperwork that does not generate money, and that if they make a mistake they may end the account, which is a very dangerous condition.

There have been cases in which creators and YouTuber were damaged in the past by exploiting YouTube's copyright protection system and violation reporting program. For example, popular track maker TheFatRat found that the number of playbacks of songs and the number of songs obtained should be because YouTube recognized that there is a copyright to a third party that has nothing to do with it, even though the songs were genuinely produced by them. It claims that he has lost a large income.

Popular channel operator sues that 'the number of replays has been stolen by 47 million or more' by abuse of YouTube's copyright protection system-GIGAZINE

There have also been cases reported to YouTuber that 'If you don't pay the money, I will report your account for breach and kill it,' or use the breach reporting program to threaten you.

A case of panicating YouTuber by exploiting YouTube violation reporting program occurs-GIGAZINE

in Web Service,   Video, Posted by log1h_ik