YouTube accuses man of `` repeating illegal copyright infringement application ''

On August 19, 2019, YouTube said that `` we abused the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( DMCA ) and repeatedly applied for removal of other people's movies as copyright infringements '', saying to a man in Nebraska in the United States A lawsuit has begun. There is also a suspicion that this man was 'swapping' by misusing the DMCA system.
(PDF file)

Man sued for using bogus YouTube takedowns to get address for swatting | Ars Technica
YouTube sues alleged copyright troll over extortion of multiple YouTubers-The Verge
Christopher L. Brady has been sued by YouTube for repeated unauthorized removal requests. In January 2019, Mr. Brady filed a false removal application saying “It is a movie that uses copyrighted material” to two users who post Minecraft gameplay movies on YouTube. YouTube accepted the complaint and deleted the movie.
In addition, Mr. Brady abused the system that `` YouTube will take account suspension measures due to the third copyright infringement application '', and `` third copyright application for two users whose movies were deleted by YouTube '' 'I will infringe you.' The first requested $ 150 (about 16,000 yen) and the second requested $ 300 (about 32,000 yen).
You can read more about the episode of the user who was threatened by Mr. Brady from the following article.
An incident occurred that abused YouTube's violation reporting program and threatened YouTuber-gigazine

YouTube compensates because DMCA stipulates that “a person who deliberately filed a removal request shall bear the cost of the person who received the removal request and the service platform provider” Demands a ban on scams of the same kind as legal damages.

According to YouTube, Brady's actions are not just blackmail. On YouTube, if you object to the copyright infringement application that `` your movie does not infringe copyright '', the name and address of the user who uploaded the movie will be notified to the applicant so that an infringement lawsuit can be filed Will be. On Twitter that a user who abused this specification and objected to Mr. Brady's application was reported that `` a serious case has occurred '' and was damaged by `` swapping '' sent armed police officers It is reported in.

By Getmilitaryphotos
YouTube has not provided evidence that Mr. Brady has been swapping, but claims that Brady's involvement is clear from the series of incidents.
Mr. Brady seems to have skillfully disguised his identity by using as many as 15 accounts in order to make an illegal copyright application like this time. The Verge, who reported this news, wrote that 'If you use the same kind of disguise, YouTube may not be able to detect unauthorized copyright infringement applications.'
In addition, YouTube has revised the '3 strike' system that deletes the account with 3 copyright infringement applications from February 25, 2019.
YouTube revises violation warning system, so that caution and policy reconfirmation before `` 3 strikes ''-GIGAZINE
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in Web Service, Security, Posted by darkhorse_log