Even the paper by Nobel laureates is not ranked "Top 100 most cited papers in the world"

Prior research is important not only on how important the research results are, but also how much is quoted in other papers is an important point. This can also be said from the fact that the number of quoted papers is taken into consideration at the time of the selection of the Nobel prize. About the top 100 articles cited by many such researchers, scientific journalsNatureIt is introduced in infographics.

The top 100 papers

Revolutionary research results such as "Discovery of superconductor", "Discovery of double helix structure of DNA", "Discovery of accelerated expansion of the universe", etc. have been highly acclaimed worldwide and researchers The Nobel prize has been awarded. However, according to Nature, even these three super-famous research papers are not ranked in "Top 100 most cited research papers in the world".

Archiving academic papers around the worldThomson ReutersWith the cooperation of Nature, we will investigate research papers cited from around the world and summarize the top 100 infographically as follows.

◆ First place: (PDF file)Protein measurement with the folin phenol reagent.(Lowry, O. H., Rosebrough, N. J., Farr, A. L. & amp; Randall, R. J.)
The most cited paper in history,Lowry methodKnown as protein mass spectrometry in 1951Oliver RowleyIn his paper (Raleigh paper), the number of times cited was 300 thousand 5148 times that is surprising. From this graph showing the number of citations by year, it can be seen that this paper has been quoted in many papers at the peak of the 1980s, and the number of times cited again in recent years is increasing.

Graphs in which top 100 papers are arranged in order of citation and color coded according to field. It clearly shows that the field of biology lab technique is the highest. And you can see that the number of citations of the No. 1 Raleigh paper is a tear.


◆ No. 2:Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4.(Laemmli, U. K.)
The second place isT4PhageOf proteins isolated by electrophoresis to discover new proteinsUlrich LemrieThesis. The "method" used in the research rather than the purpose and results of the research was later cited in many papers later.

◆ No. 3:A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding.(Bradford, M. M.)
The third place devised "Bradford method" which is a protein concentration measurement methodMarion · BradfordThesis of 1976. In this paper also, in recent years, it can be seen from the graph that the number of quotations to be cited again increases greatly, such as "resurrecting".

It is understood from the graph that the top three papers above are "three strong" cited so that over 100,000 citations overwhelmingly overwhelms other papers.

◆ No. 13: (PDF file)A short history of SHELX.(Sheldrick, G. M.)
Explosive quotation that the old article is advantageous in the cumulative total number of citations and the top is in the middle of the paper before 1980 and despite being the latest paper published in 2008, ranked in the 13th place What is being done is a computer program "SHELXI talked about the history of the pastGeorge · SheldrickThesis. Currently it is cited in a paper on crystal structure analysis.

The Reuters list (Excel file) which became the original data to make this ranking ishereDownloadable from. By the way, known by relativity theoryEinsteinAnd received the Nobel Prize twiceMrs CurieI could not find the name of this list in this list.

"Top 100 most quoted research papers in the world" is an extremely rare paper that should be considered as the top of the summit when comparing papers around the world to the pyramids, with a height of 5895 metersKilimanjaroIt is said that it corresponds to "just 1 centimeter part of the top" if it is compared to, in a sense, it seems to be more rare than the Nobel Prize.

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