Aligno size "extremely small wireless communication chip" is developed

Intel is the same size as a 1 cent coinUltra-compact 3G communication chip developedThen,Internet of thingsAlthough it is getting widespread, the engineering team at Stanford University has developed a smaller wireless communication chip with a smaller "ant" size.

Stanford engineers aim to connect the world with ant-sized radios

The engineering team at Stanford University, by collaborating with the University of California, Berkeley, has created an ali size radio. Battery is unnecessary, it means that you can supply the necessary power from the electromagnetic wave when the signal is carried to the receiving antenna. Besides size and energy efficiency, manufacturing cost is also 1 cents (about 1.07 yen) and excellent in cost performance.

In addition, since the antial size wireless chip is designed to allow calculation, execution, and command relay, great results are expected for "Internet of Things". You can see that it is a very small size compared with 1 cent coin.

Associate Professor Amin Arbabian of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University is a developer of this chip, "The next goal of connectivity will be to connect objects simultaneously and give us remote control through the web" I will. There are tablets on the Internet that carries commands around the world, computers that execute commands, smartphones, but there was not a sufficiently inexpensive wireless controller. It is possible to incorporate any place and device as long as it is an ali size wireless chip.

This project began in 2011, which took three years to complete, but it can also be applied to conventional Bluetooth devices. A battery is unnecessary, but if you are driving the same type battery, it is energy efficiency enough to run a single AAA battery for over a century. The antenna is about one tenth of the Wi-Fi antenna, the frequency is 24 billionCycle per secondIt works with.

However, as the signal was too fast for standard transistors, it was difficult to process radio waves, and as a result of reviewing the basic circuit and electronic design, we found that all the circuits · receiving antenna · transmitting antenna · central processor are all on one chip Succeeded to load. The communication distance is about short to medium distance, and it is necessary to place chips every 1 meter at this stage, but it can be used for connection and control between smart home devices. Swiss semiconductor manufacturerSTMicroelectronicsHas produced 100 prototypes based on Mr. Arbabian's design and is used for device operation certification experiments.

Associate Professor Arbabian said that "I thought about how to incorporate a two-way radio control system into all light bulbs" and completed all the necessary elements of the radio on a single silicon chip. In particular, being able to keep costs down to 1 cent is the most important success, "We will suggest connecting to a huge device".

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log