A salmon cannon that launches salmon rather than shell is born, and what is the purpose to worry about?

Speaking of cannon, it is known as a heavy weapon used in war etc. by weapons that fire shells, but "Whooshh"Invented a cannon that fires fish salmon rather than shells. I will apply for what I care about what cannon should be called a salmon canon rather than a canon.

Whooshh - Fish Handling

You can see what salmon cannon was made for from the movie below.

Hydrovision 2014 - YouTube

This is the battery of salmon cannon.

A duct through which salmon passes is attached to the battery.

The mechanism of salmon cannon is a simple thing that a salmon that was dressed in a battery is fired through a duct.

It looks like I actually use it, when I throw a salmon into a battery ... ...

Through a long duct ......

It is fired sharply from the exit.

For what purpose the salmon cannon was made for in order to move the landing salmon efficiently. Normally, carrying landing salmon is done manually.

An employee who embraces salmon and runs it.

Running with Essa Huisa ... ...

We will bring salmon to the prescribed place.

Salmon Cannon was developed to solve the trouble of bringing salmon manually and the problem of hurting while carrying. Just swiping salmon and ... ...

Pass the duct at a tremendous speed ... ...

Pasha comes out from a far away exit.

The duct has been subjected to special processing, a mechanism not to scratch salmon.

To demonstrate how salmon cannon can be carried at salmon cannon, an experiment was conducted with a 250 ft duct placed between the ground and 100 feet (about 30 m) in height.

In the experiment, Salmon poured in from about 30 m below blew out of the outlet with vigor. The power of a huge salmon cannon.

If ducts are put in factories and markets ......

It is easy to transport salmon. This system which can be applied not only to salmon but also to the transportation of various kinds of fish has the possibility to bring about major change to the work which was done with existing manpower.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log