"Sad Tweet" to find a lonely tweet with zero RT and favorite registration

Although I tried mumbling with Pollory on Twitter, it is the one that finds out the lonely tweet that no number of favorite registrations have been retweeted without being looked at by anyone,Sad Tweet"is.

Sad Tweets

To use Sad Tweet, click "Discover Now".

Then, since it becomes the cooperation screen of Sad Tweet and Twitter account, enter your Twitter account information and click "Authenticate linked application". This timeGIGAZINE Official Twitter accountI tried searching from tweets.

Searching for tweets with both Retweets and Favorites from among cooperated accounts ......

And, if there is a corresponding tweet, it shows the contents of the tweet and the number of days ago you posted.

This time, I found outHeadline news on July 18, 2014It was only. However, as there are tweets to mention if you look at that tweet, it may be a little relieved that "no one touched that tweet".

In addition, if you use a Twitter account that you personally use with Sad Tweet, tweets with zero retweets in the past and the number of favorites have been endlessly displayed, so it is said that "any disastrous consequences are totally alright!" We recommend that you only use people with a strange heart.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by logu_ii