McDonald 's FIFA World Cup series tasting review conscious of cooking in 8 countries such as "Italian Risotto Ball"

McDonald 's sells new products that imaged the countries of the World Cup appearance from May 27, 2014,"Spanish omelet muffins and other 3 species" tasting reviewFollowing the "side menu" has appeared "Italian risotto ball (tomato & amp; Ikasumi)"McFleurie waffle chocolate"I tried all seven kinds of new products such as.

Wake of deliciousness | 2014 FIFA World Cup campaign | McDonald's

So from the left "Belgium Mac Fleurie Waffle Chocolate/France McFluely Cream Brulee"(276 yen each tax included),"Japan Mac Fizz Blue Lamune/Netherlands Mac Fizz Passion Orange"(237 yen each tax included),"Italian risotto ball (tomato & amp; Ikasumi)"(199 yen including tax)," Chicken nuggetGerman curry sauce/Italian Basil cheese sauce"(195 yen including tax) arrived.

First off from McFluely before melting.

McFleurie's spoon has a shape with its hands changed as usual.

Belgium When opening the lid of McFleurie, on a soft creamCouvertur chocolateThe chocolate sauce that used, and crushed waffle cone are topped.

Chocolate is a full-fledged taste with a strong bitter taste, but it is in harmony with the sweetness of the soft cream. Desserts are pleasing with a crisp texture.

France McFluely is a shade like a pudding, a mixture of caramel sauce and custard sauce that reproduces claim brulee.

Ice it looks like a pudding with a strong taste of custard sauce when you try it. Crispy sugar crunch is scattered inside. I felt that there were few crunches, but since I was accumulating in large quantities at the bottom on the last side, it seems to be good to eat while mixing.

For reconciliation, the Netherlands Mac Fizz Passion Orange and Japan Mac Fizz Blue Lamune. Both are refreshing colors perfect for the summer. Since Japan drinked the Japan Mac Float last time, Japan McFizz has the same taste, but as Ice cream does not exist, the taste of the ramune is strongly felt and it is made to drink gokugoku.

Dutch Mac Fizz is a bitter and sour tasting drink like Orange and Lemon. It seems that those who are not floating also can taste fruit feeling.

Italian risotto ball (tomato & amp; Ikasumi) is small boxed.

There are two fries of rice ball inside.

Black balls are frying wrapped in cheese sauce at Ikasumi risotto of brown rice. Chewing cheese comes out from inside when dividing.

When I brought it to my mouth, I could feel the texture of rice firmly, but I did not understand the taste of Ikasumi well.

Tomatoes are garlic and sour tasty, and it feels like risotto. There are also fried, small but stuff looks good.

The last is chicken nugget Italian basil cheese sauce and German curry sauce.

Contents is like this.

First of all, when you try dipping German curry sauce, spicy scent is thick like Carreroux. "A mere melting Ru is ... ...." Although a single anxiety overflows, German sausage cuisine "Curry WurstIt was a spicy curry sauce that was seasoned with spices such as cumin, cardamom and so on.

Italian basil cheese sauce has a weak basezylic flavor and a rich mayonnaise sauce. Although I feel the richness of cheese as I advance the eating, the atmosphere of Italy has not come out much.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log