I ate McDonald 's first hot new appet 'Hot Apple Custard Pie' in Hot Apple Pie

A new " hot apple custard pie " that combines apple filling and rich custard that can taste sweetness and sourness in a balanced manner in McDonald's classic menu "Hot apple pie" has appeared for a limited time. It is said that it is a bit different from the classic hot apple pie, so it has actually been tasted.

News Releases | McDonald's Japan

Arrived at McDonald's.

Alongside the cash register, the hot apple custard pie targeted was being appealed alongside the hot apple pie of the classic menu.

"Hot Apple Custard Pie" (120 yen including tax) was offered in about 2 minutes after ordering. The package has been designed to treat the apple silhouette.

Taking it out of the box, it looks almost like a normal hot apple pie. It is a fish-colored pie.

It is as big as extending the transportation IC card vertically a little.

Looking at the inside, the layer of Apple filling and the layer of custard are clearly separated.

When chewing a crispy texture of pie cloth, Apple filling and custard flow into the mouth smoothly. Apple filling is well balanced between acidity and sweetness, compatibility with the flavor of cinnamon is perfect. There is a rich custard there, but even if you eat together, the fresh acidity of apple filling, the fruity sweetness, the rich flavor of custard are not too strong, they are firmly insisted firmly and exquisite balance It is kept.

In addition, with the advent of hot apple custard pie, the package of hot apple pie has become like a coloring image of a green apple.

The left is a standard apple pie, and the right is the hot apple custard pie. As you can see at a glance, the color of the Apple filling in the pie is different, and when you compare with eating, you can see that the flavor is clearly different. The classic hot apple pie has a moderate scent of cinnamon and nutmeg, you can taste plenty of the sweetness of the apples boiled until soft. Meanwhile, the hot apple custard pie felt the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg spices strongly, and apple filling and custard seemed to emphasize sweetness and sourness so as not to beat the scent of spice.

"Hot Apple Custard Pie" will be offered for a limited time from March 6, 2019 to the beginning of April 2019, at McDonald's throughout the country except some stores.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log