"Takaneko no Sato Ichigo Chocolat" is sweet and sour spring taste

Last month, the mountain of mushrooms was "Ichigo's condensed tailoringWe released the limited-edition product of "Takeo" from March 11 (Tue) also bamboo shoot "Ichigo Chocolat"Will be released for a limited time. I was interested in the combination of strawberries and chocolate, so I tried it at once.

You can enjoy the taste of two layers of sweet and sour strawberry and milk chocolate! "Takeoko no Sato Ichigo Chocolat" New Release Press Release | Company Information | Meiji Co., Ltd.

Takaneko no Sato Ichigo Chocolat is a package that stands out at the sweets store based on pink.

It seems to be a structure of milk chocolate, strawberry chocolate and crunchy cookie.

Mild mellow sweetness "milk chocolate" and sweet and sour "Ichigo chocolate" are used. In the bamboo shoots of the normal version, "chocolate with scent of cacao" and "chocolate finished with milk" are used.

Ingredients are sugar · flour · cocoa butter · condensed powder · almond paste · dried strawberries etc.

The calorie is 350 kcal per box.

Open from the side of the embankment.

Bags inside are based on pink and white.

When opening it, "Takenoko no Sato Ichigo Chocolat" with mixed pink color appeared. The scent of strawberry spreads.

There were 27 pieces counted, and 31 of the normal version of bamboo shoots were included.

Comparing the bamboo shoots of strawberry chocolate with the bamboo shoots of the normal version, they are mostly together except that they are partly pink.

Turning it off, strawberry chocolate was also found in the bamboos village strawberry chocolate. The normal version was chocolate of the same color.

I will eat it.

When it is included in the mouth, the mellow chocolate mellow without bitterness blends with the taste of strawberry chocolate Good. Due to the presence of dry strawberries, it was felt stronger for strawberries to taste like this. The normal version of bamboo shoots felt bitterly from chocolate, but strawberry chocolate is generally mellow taste. Of course the cookie is crispy.

Takenoko no Sato Ichigo Chocolat is 210 yen including tax. If you like strawberry flavored sweets and bamboo shoots, you can buy it and it will not be wrong.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log