I tried a limited-time version of Yukimi Daifuku "Yukimi Daifuku Specialty Tankari Riku Chocolate Strawberry"
Yukimi Daifuku is the end of 2013Yukimi Daifuku Specialties Tororichi and Cheesecake, Around NovemberYukimi Daifuku specialties and caramel's puddingsAlthough it is on sale, February 3 (Monday) is the third round and limited time "Yukimi Daifuku Specialty Eggplant Chocolate StrawberryWe will sell. It was sold for winter spring only, so I had the opportunity to get one go ahead, so I tried it at once.
[PDF] ~ "Torori Ri" 3rd ~ "Yukimi Daifuku Specialty Rosary Chocolate Strawberry" Sale nationwide from February 3, 2014 (Monday)
"Yukimi Daifuku Specialty Rosette Chocolate Strawberry" can check the image of raw chocolate and the illustrations of strawberries.

Strawberry ice and raw chocolate are contained in the pink skin.

Raw materials can be confirmed confectionary · raw chocolate · strawberry puree · raspberry juice etc.

Calories are 92 kcal per piece, 184 kcal when eating 2.

I will open it.

A small explanation was written on the back of the opened paper.

Especially the sense of size does not change with ordinary Yukimi Daifuku.

When approaching, you can see raw chocolate in the ice.

When I tried it off, I could see the raw chocolate in the strawberry ice cream.

I will eat using a special fork.

The acidity of strawberries and raspberries is somewhat modest, compatibility with the taste of raw chocolate is also good, and the taste of Western style is well harmonized with rice cake. Raw chocolate has a moderate sweetness, a good melting in the mouth, a delicious combination of eating the texture of the raw chocolate that has led to the texture of the rich skin.

Slight acidity is felt from the skin, the texture is soft and elastic. It is convinced that we are targeting women in their twenties who are somewhat lady products.

"Yukimi Daifuku Specialty Towards Ri Kinase and Cheesecake" is sold for winter spring only. The price is 158 yen including tax and it is perfect when you want to eat some luxurious things.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log