Keep the ball coming close and move the bar so that it will not break the block "Block breakless"

Move the bar so as not to drop the ball, break the block, "Loose blockOn the contrary, the game which makes the ball move as if the ball does not hit the bar and prevents the block as much as possible is "Block break"is. It does not need to install a special application, it is a game that you can easily play from PCs and smartphones.

Block break

It will be like this when you actually play the block break.

I tried hard not to collapse the block with "Block Break" - YouTube

To start the game Click "Touch and start" on the top screen OK.

Then the game started. The white bar part at the bottom of the screen can be operated by tapping a mouse or screen.

Like a red frame, drop the ball so that it does not hit the bar OK.

A bowling ball arrives ......

When the ball hits the bar ......

The block at the top of the screen collapses more and more.

And if the ball enters deep into the wall of the block it will be over the game.

Block collapse can be played on the iPhone.

If you are a PC you have to move the bar by mouse operation and the operability is not good, but with smartphones it is quite easy to play because you can move the bar with touch operation.

Of course you can also play on Android devices.

If you are doing your best not to break the block well, you can invoke the "Eating Bonus" and you can taste the feeling of Uhuha.

You can choose whether you want to tweet the score or play again once the game is over.

It is a very simple game, but once you start playing it becomes addictive and you need to be careful not to be such a thing as "If you notice it"

in Review,   Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii