Play TETRIS on Gigantic Screen with "TETRIS Dekaris" - AMS 2009

TETRIS is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. The Russian puzzle game must be one of the most widely played video game in history, but this "TETRIS Dekaris" might give you a whole new experience.

A playable demo was exhibited at 47th Amusement Machine Show, on enormous screen with gigantic controllers.

Pics and video after the cut!
"TETRIS Dekaris" can be projected on a wall.

The name "Dekaris" comes from informal Japanese term "Dekai (Huge)".

You can choose from "Line Attack" and "Score Attack" mode, or match up your friend.

Choosing mode. Apparently, aside from playing against your friend, two people can also "cooperate" to win the game.

A controller fit for a giant.

You can rotate the blocks by the yellow button.

This is "Match Up" mode.

YouTube - "TETRIS Dekaris" Playing

To be hitting arcades this winter.

in Coverage,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log