If you search for "atari breakout" on Google, you can play blockbreaks

AtariVideo game "Loose blockIn commemoration of 37 years after the launch, Google released a hidden game where you can play a block game when Google searches for "atari breakout" in image search.

Actually searching images with "atari breakout" makes it look like the following.

Atari breakout - Google search

Blocks displayed in red, orange, yellow and green are all made up of images that were supposed to be displayed by image search.

By pushing the pause button at the top left of the screen you can stop the game and copy and paste the URL so you can also publish the score on SNS like Google+ or Facebook.

If you just want to see the search image instead of playing the game, click "Return to image search".

The image which was a block was displayed properly.

Also, when you clear the stage you will move on to the next stage. For example this is "Turmeric"

Stage 3 is "Goldendoodle"

Stage 4 is "Polo"

Stage 5 is "Bull Terrier", a phrase is randomly selected, and it seems that the number of blocks is determined by the number of search images.

The volume can be adjusted, but by default it sounds to sound, so please be careful when playing in the office.

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log