I tried using soap 'Savons Gemme' which looks like a jewel

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"Rose Quartz" "Lapis lazuli" "Turquoise" etc. A soap born through a 180 step process with a gemstone as a motif is called "Savons Gemme(Sabourgem) "is. Anyway, it is a soap with a big impact, but the jojoba oil and sweet almond oil used are all organic and plant extracts, so it is also gentle to the skin, so what kind of product you buy actually I tried to make sure.

Jewelry soap "Savons Gemme" if mail order / sales of soap

Sabongjem arrives with the following packing.

When opening the box, there was a paper bag inside which items could be put when purchasing at the store.

Inside was a box containing soap, invoices, product description etc etc.

The soap is in a light blue box. This time I ordered two soaps, so I have two boxes too.

When you open the box, there is a message card inside.

The soap taken from the bottom of the message card looks like this. It was put in a translucent bag.

This is Sabomem's "Black Opal". It is still in a state of being wrapped in vinyl, but at this point already a good smell of soap spreads.

The ingredients look like the following. The content is 170 g, and the country of manufacture is America.

And the other is "Garnet"

There are yellow and green lines in the red body.

The following is the ingredient table. The volume of this is also 170 g, the country of manufacture is America.

Take it out of vinyl and put it on your hand, the black opal is big enough to protrude from the palm of your hand.

Garnet fits in my hands.

Both appearance is beautiful and it does not matter as it is, so it looks good to leave it in the room without actually using it as a soap.

Black opal mainly melon · apricotMuskIt adds the scent of an exotic atmosphere. According to the official page, "It is said that it eases negative feelings such as destruction and attack, enhances creation and spontaneity, and it is said to invigorate creative and active energy."

The atmosphere varies depending on the surface.

Unlike black opal, garnet is sweet scent of citrus fruits. "It is thought that" you will be able to obtain vitality and energy that overflows with red jewelry and will be able to demonstrate honest sexuality. "

Actually prepare water and lather net and try using Sabongem.

Wet the entire soap ......

When rubbed lightly with a whipping net, fluffy and bubbles came in about 10 seconds.

Mokomoko's bubbles are completed in no time. Touching it is a smoother and more soft impression than foam made from a commercial soap.

There is also firm viscosity, none of the soap falls even if the palm is turned backward.

Also fluffy Wash this hand gently with this bubble, it gets a lot of handsome smell.

Then garnet.

If we rub it with lather net after wet with water as well ......

Mokomoko's bubbles are completed in no time. Like black opal, this is a relatively smooth foam.

As you change the angle, you can see that it is colored slightly pink. In addition, the color used is based on legal pigment, it is safe to use on skin.

It has been confirmed allergy free in Europe and the United States allergy test, and has not used animal ones in the manufacturing process, it has been tested by a dermatologist in a unique test at a research institute in France. Since the jojoba oil and the sweet almond oil used are all using organic and plant extracts,Very gentle to the skin, it can be used even for facial cleansing of children and sensitive skin.

It is not for those who say "strong scent is not good" because the fragrance is relatively strong, but it is not a hard scent, so you can refresh your mood just by placing it in the room. If you use soap, skin fat may be removed and hands may be rustling, but after use it will not feel dry and it will be useful as a gift for myself or a person, since it has a big impact on the appearance.

The soap is handmade one by one, and it usually takes about 6 to 8 weeks to use it every day. Besides black opal · garnet, there are kinds such as "Amethyst" "Alabaster Oriental" "Fire opal" "Green garnet" "Jade" "Lapis lazuli" "Marble" "Rose quartz" "Sapphire" "Turquoise" 3150 yen including tax. ProductsAvailable from Sabonem's websiteis.

in Review,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log