Coca-Cola of the United States holds a sweater contest to compete for 'dasa'

Speaking of sweaters, it is a staple of winter clothing, but Coca-Cola of the United States is holding a contest to compete for the 'dassiness' of sweater design. In the United States, when the Christmas season comes, there is a
Coke Zero --Sweater Generator
The site looks like this, and consists of 'SWEATER GENERATOR' where you can actually make a sweater online, 'LEADERBOARD' where you can see the dull sweater made by the applicant, and 'ABOUT SWEATER GENERATOR' which explains the sweater generator.

'SWEATER GENERATOR' is a generator that allows you to customize the details and

'SWEATER BATTLE' where the ugly sweater made by the applicant is displayed randomly.

When you click 'View Full Gallery' of LEADER BOARD ...

You can see the applicant's crappy sweaters made with the sweater generator. When I walk around the city wearing all the sweaters, all of them are likely to be ridiculed.
Let's actually make a sweater using a sweater generator.

Click on the 'SWATER STYLE' part and select the sweater type. Orthodox round-necked sweater type ...

You can choose from 4 types such as V-neck vest.

In 'SWATER COLOR', you can choose the color from gray, black, blue, brown, green, red, and skin color. This time I chose a skin color.

Next, choose a pattern to put on the elbow of the sweater. You can choose the pattern to put on the sleeve from 4 types such as 'THE FUNKEY' and 'ARGYLE'.

In addition, you can select the color to be superimposed on the pattern from 8 colors.

Up to 2 colors can be layered. At this point it's already awkward.

In addition, we will add embroidery to the sweater. Embroidery can be designed in 6 places on the sweater.

Embroidery of polar bears, cats, dinosaurs, ducks, ninjas, musical notes, etc ...

Embroidery such as reindeer, Santa, roast chicken, and Yukio that seems to make the sweater dull in one shot is gathered.

I greedily chose many embroidery items. Designed like a punishment game to wear this and walk around the city. If there is no problem with the designed embroidery, click 'FINISH'.

By pressing the click, you can choose from 10 types of sweater backgrounds. This time I chose the scenery of the snowy mountains. The design of the sweater and the atmosphere of the background are chaotic, but it may be a good line in terms of competing for dullness. Press the 'FINISH' button again to complete the creation.

A confirmation screen will appear, so if there is no problem with the design you made, click 'Submit'.

You can also apply using your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and click to register to complete the application. If you vote in the top 100, you will receive a sweater you made.

The deadline is Sunday, December 1st, US time. Applications are only available to residents of the United States.
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in Web Service, Design, Posted by darkhorse_log