Mini icons that can be used for various purposes
Since I was pressed by the necessity to gather easy-to-use mini icons smaller in size than regular icons, I tried various listings.
Blogs and wikis, regular site creation, Flash, PowerPoint presentations and software buttons etc. should be useful in many situations. Even just by making the image of the button different, it is recommended because the atmosphere changes with glitter.
The list is as follows.
Mini Pixel Icons(There are many blogs, icons for CMS, user icons etc., very colorful)
Mini Icons | urlgreyhot(There are many very small icons of 12 pixels square, the gray scale icon is easy to process, so it can be made to be your favorite icon material)
Bullet Madness - free bullets project at Stylegala(There are more than 200 variations rich mini icon collection, which is somewhere close to the image) Icons(Three icon collections of Silk, Flags, Mini, Ultra Famous.)
Brand Spanking New: Mini Icons Pack 1 - Free icons!(19 icons, grayscale in 10 pixel square)
Brand Spanking New: Doctype Icons 2(Icon collection by file type)
Sweetie | Free icon set(There are a lot of icons for only a cute and soft atmosphere)
GraphicPUSH: Free icons and free icon sets for web designers.(Mini icon of image that can be used for blog)
Antipixel | Blog | Steal These Buttons(XML or RSS icon)
Mini-Images fur den Webmaster, kostenlose downloads GIF JPG Webdesign(Plenty of mini icons of various themes)
300 Images From 1800 Sites(Arrow icons, sticky note icons, comment icons, mail icons, print icons, shopping carts and bag icons etc. Especially shopping system icons are valuable,
Strawbee >> Blog Archive >> Tiny Little Icons(Green system icon)
MIcons kostenlose Icons(Monochrome tone icons with quite nice touch)
Kleines Weblog Iconset - Downloads, Grafikdesign, Intern, Weblog und CMS - pixelgraphix(Icon set for blog)
Bitcons >> SOME RANDOM DUDE(Set of red icons, rich in variety)
Sanscons >> SOME RANDOM DUDE(You can change the color and shape by clicking the palette on the lower left)
More Free Pixel Icons at ExplodingBoy(Icon assortment set of various genres)
Jacorre Design Studio - Pixel Flag Icons(Mini icon of each country flag)
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