"Person of the Year" who decides who was the topic of the year this year 42 candidates in 2013 will come out

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American news magazine "time"The editorial department selects" the person who became the most talked about this year "every yearPerson of the Year. In 2013, candidates also gathered and voting on the Internet began.

Shinzo Abe | Vote Now: Who Should Be TIME's Person of the Year? | TIME.com

2013 Person of the Year's candidates are from the following.

◆ 01: Shinzo Abe

ByCSIS | Center for Strategic & International Studies

The Prime Minister of Japan conducts aggressive economic policy called "avenomics". In addition, until 2012, Japanese people have never been chosen for persons of the year.

◆ 02: Bashar al-Assad

ByFreedom House

President of Syria, where chemical weapons use and civil war are considered problematic.

◆ 03: Jeff Bezos

ByFollow Mathieu Thouvenin

Amazon CEO. I surprised the world by personally acquiring the Washington Post.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos acquires the Washington Post for about 25 billion yen - GIGAZINE

You can read Jeff Bezos's word which led Amazon to success in the following article.

Jeff Bezos' 20 lots of CEOs who have led Amazon to succeed in long tail model - GIGAZINE

◆ 04: John Bainer

ByTalk Radio News Service

Republican House Speaker.

◆ 05: Chris Christie

ByGage Skidmore

It is a promising candidate for the presidential election in 2016 and governor of New Jersey.

◆ 06: Dick · Costello

ByGerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

Twitter CEO. At the local time in the USA finally listed on November 7.

The details of Twitter's unknown actual situation is released on the net for IPO, the cumulative deficit of more than 40 billion yen and the number of users etc. clear - GIGAZINE

◆ 07: Ted Cruise

ByGage Skidmore

We criticized the Republican regime in Texas state and was elected as a Senator with support from a conservative Tea Party.

◆ 08: Miley Cyrus

ByDisney | ABC Television Group

It was held in the summer of 20132013 MTV Video Music AwardsOn the stage ofSuck marijuanaIt was a hot topic with extreme performance.

◆ 09: Wendy Davis

ByThe Texas Tribune

Senator in Texas. We blocked the passage of the abortion prohibition bill by continuing to write dissent opinions for 11 hours.

◆ 10: James Dimon

BySuper Sleuth

It is one of the four biggest banks in the United StatesJP Morgan ChaseHe served as chairman and CEO of the company,Federal Reserve Bank of New YorkHe is also a Class A director and has the world's most influential banker.

◆ 11: Abdul Fatterf · Acksy

ByEuropean External Action Service

Current Defense Minister and General Egyptian Commander in the Army. At the Egyptian Coup d'etat in July, it became a hot topic when Muhammad Morsey, president of the democratic government, was dismembered.

◆ 12: Recep Tieip Erdogan

ByRa'ed Qutena

"Social media is the worst threat of society"Turkish Prime Minister who accused it.

◆ 13: Jimmy · Fallon


The Tonight ShowNew moderator.

◆ 14: Francisco

ByCatholic Church England and Wales

The 266th Roman pontiff from Argentina. I became the first Pope to be elected from Latin America.

◆ 15: George of Cambridge

The eldest son born between Prince William of the United Kingdom and Duke Katherine.

◆ 16: Vince Gilligan

ByGage Skidmore

Breaking BadPlanner.

◆ 17: Lead Hastings

ByJD Lasica

It is a major DVD rental companyNetflixCEO of.

◆ 18: LeBron James

ByMark Runyon

NBA'sMiami HeatA professional basketball player belonging to. It will be the regular season MVP of 2013.

◆ 19: Angelina Jolie

ByGage Skidmore

FutureRemoving the breast for breast cancer preventionThen it became a topic.

◆ 20: Charles Cork and David Cork


Brothers funding the campaign against the health insurance system reform (Obama care).

◆ 21: Christine Lagarde

ByWorld Bank Photo Collection

A French politician,International Monetary Fund(IMF) Managing Director.

◆ 22: Marissa Mayer

ByFortune Live Media

Come from Google and Yahoo! I am serving as CEO.

Mayer, who was chosen as "the 50 most influential women of the world" at the young age of 33 years old Yahoo! You can read how to revive from the following article.

Former "face of Google" led by Marissa Mayer Yahoo! Is pursuing Google - GIGAZINE

◆ 23: Angela Merkel


Eighth prime minister of the Federal Republic of Germany.European UnionIt is also called a person holding the future of.

◆ 24: Narendra Modi

ByAl Jazeera English

Indian candidate for the next prime minister.

◆ 25: Alice Munro

ByWolf Gang

A Canadian writer who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2013.

◆ 26: Eulon · Mask

ByJD Lasica

Electric car manufacturingTesla MotorsAnd private space ship developmentSpaceXWe have established and operate two.

Tesla Motors also exhibited at the Tokyo Motor Show.

Tesla "Model S" which started car delivery from 2014 is an orthodox EV sedan full of luxury - GIGAZINE

◆ 27: Benjamin Netanyahu

ByWorld Economic Forum

Prime Minister of the 13th Israel.

◆ 28: Diana Niyado

ByFortune Live Media

A 64-year-old woman who succeeded in swimming about 160 km from the capital Hubana of Cuba to Key West, Florida's southernmost state without using a fence for shark countermeasure.

◆ 29: Barack Obama

ByPenn State

The 44th President of the United States of America. It was re - elected in 2012 presidential election.

Flickr's official US government official account "The White House" is amazing - the media behind the scenes of the White House behind the scenes and President Barack Obama - GIGAZINE

◆ 30: David Ortiz

ByKeith Allison

Boston Red SoxIt is a professional baseball player from the Dominican Republic who belongs to the World Series MVP in 2013.

◆ 31: Larry Page

ByEsther Dyson

Established Calico, a new company that can cope with the aging phenomenon and old age disease.

Details of "What is Calico?" Can be confirmed from the following article.

Google announces the establishment of a new company "Calico" to cope with aging phenomena and old age disease - GIGAZINE

◆ 32: Land pole

ByTalk Radio News Service

Senator Kentucky elected, one of the Republican next presidential candidates.

◆ 33: Vladimir Putin

ByWorld Economic Forum

President of the 4th Russian Federation.

◆ 34: Hasan Rowhaney

ByAsia Society

Iran's seventh president. Regarding Iran's nuclear development issue, I made a historical proposal with the US.

◆ 35: Sheryl · Sandberg

ByWorld Economic Forum

At Facebook COO, it is a female leader who supports the company.

◆ 36: Kathleen · Severius

ByUnited States Mission Geneva

A female politician who serves as the Director of Health and Welfare at the Obama administration. He is in charge of medical insurance system reform (Obama Care).

◆ 37: Edward Snowden

National Security AgencyFormer employee of CIA who revealed that NSA was collecting personal information with confidentiality.

You can understand what Mr. Snowden revealed by reading the following article.

What is the secret system "PRISM" that can peep directly at personal information on servers such as Google, Apple, Yahoo! and others? - GIGAZINE

Former CIA former employee who exposed the "PRISM" problem that the U.S. government was collecting information on the citizen's public real name - GIGAZINE

◆ 38: Johan Zarnaev and Tamellin Zzarnaev

Boston bombing terrorist suspect.

◆ 39: Janet Yellen

ByInternational Monetary Fund

The Federal Reserve BoardVice-Chairperson.

◆ 40: Malara · Usafuzai

ByUnited Nations Information Centers

A Pakistani human rights activist who is being targeted for life by the Taliban, a speech at the United Nations headquarters has become a hot topic.

Speech by Malara Yousafuzi's UN headquarters (July 12) Japanese subtitles - YouTube

◆ 41: Edith Windsor

ByDave Bledsoe

Prohibit same-sex marriageJudgment that unconstitution "marriage defense law"We won.

◆ 42: Xi Jinping


Since March 2013 he has served as the President of the People's Republic of China.

The status of voting isHereIn can be confirmed.

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