Google announces that Chrome will extend support for Windows XP

ByIsriya Paireepairit

Windows XP which left the remaining one till the end of supportHowever, we announced that Google regularly will post Chrome's XP updates and security patches until April 2015.

Google Chrome Blog: Extending Chrome support for XP users until April 2015

Although official support is Windows XP which ends in April 2014, in Microsoft's announcementWindows XP market share is declining to 21%It is a tendency for Microsoft wanting to switch to the next Windows 7/8 forever without using XP forever in a certain sense. However, according to Net Applications which conducts market research on IT-related market, the share of OS for PC is stillWindows XP accounts for over 30%, It is the survey result that it is OS which is used the second most in the world.

If the official support of Windows XP ends after April 9, 2014, it is considered probable that you will not be able to receive applications' XP updates or security patches. And if you use a web browser that has not been updated recently, the possibility of infecting malware and receiving phishing attacks also increases, so for XP users who still have many users, Google Chrome It seems that we decided to periodically carry out updates and security patches until April 2015.

Windows XP users still around the world still have support for Chrome for one year from official support, but how many users will stay on XP in a year Is it ... ?.

in Software, Posted by logu_ii