I tried the big delicacies 'Inago Kanro-ni' and 'Bee's Flower Kyo-ni'

Harada Shoten in Nagano sells canned “ Inago Kanro-ni ” and “ Hachikohana Kyo-ni ” which are rare. I didn't see it at the supermarkets and convenience stores around, so I ordered and tried it. In addition, since the shape of the insect is clearly visible, you need to be careful when browsing from here.
[Rakuten Ichiba] Harada Shoten-Product Price Navigation
The package of Inago Kanro-ni and Bee-kobana Kyu-ni is like this. The left is Inago Ganro (150 grams), and the right is Hachiko no Hanako Kuni (65 grams).

Inago Kanro-ni can has a little Showa-like retro design.

If it is only an illustration, it may be mistaken for grasshopper instead of locust.

A picture of Mt. Fuji is printed on the back side. Since there is no sea in Nagano, locusts were an important protein source.

The raw materials are very simple, using locust, sugar, soy sauce, and starch syrup.
The expiration date is May 27, 2016, and it can be stored for about 3 years.

I decided to open it at once.

It looks like this when you open the can. Spreads the sweet aroma of Kanro-ni.

When you transfer it to a plate, you can see the locust feet.

It's a little fresh and nice egg shape.

Since it is not bland to eat only Inago Kanro-ni, I will try it on rice.

Since it is boiled with syrup and sugar, it has a sweet flavor. The taste is similar to the simmered sardines of fish, and the texture is crunchy, so there is no sense of discomfort when eating insects. It goes well with rice and seems to be good for sake.

The cane of Bee Kobana Kyodai is designed with a honeycomb behind the product name. This is an item that Emperor Showa liked.

The illustration of Mt. Fuji and the illustration of a bee are also printed, just like Inago Kanro-ni.

You can see bee honey, sugar and soy sauce as raw materials.

The expiration date is May 13, 2016, and the bee honey flower Kyo-ni can be stored for about 3 years.

To open it.

I didn't feel any odor when I opened it.

If you turn it up, you can see the limbs of the bee pupa.

Apparently the bee's torso.

I decided to try eating the bee coconut sardine on rice.

It does not have a strong sweetness like simmered sushi, but is mainly seasoned with soy sauce. The texture is neither hard nor soft, and when chewing a bee honey, it feels a little nutty. It's a delicacy, but it's a food that you can't think of any other similar taste.

Inago Kanro-ni is 150 grams for tax-included 787 yen, and Bee-no-hana Kyu-ni is 65 grams for tax-included 1207 yen. It's a bit unusual, so it's recommended for people who want to take it to a party to surprise everyone or eat insects.
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