The 3D print function is installed in Windows 8.1 and it is possible to make the same thing as document printing

ByMakerBot Industries

It was held from June 26 to 28, 2013Microsoft Build Developer ConferenceIn the keynote lecture of Microsoft,Windows 8.1Announced that it will support 3D printing as standard.MakerBotCompany3D SystemsCompanyAfiniaCompanyAutodeskCompanyNetfabb SoftwareBy cooperating with major 3D print makers such as the company, it seems that it becomes possible to use the above mentioned manufacturer's 3D printer without downloading the program etc. separately.

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3D printerAlthough it was introduced at enterprises mainly mainly because it is cheap price of several million yen, it can be purchased for only tens of thousands of yen in 2012An inexpensive printer appears. Now it is introduced to general households and laboratories, objects can be printed out in hundreds of yenvending machineI am put at the university as.

According to forecasts by financial analysts and othersInternational 3D printing marketThe scale of the project is expected to reach 3.1 billion dollars (310 billion yen) by 2016, and now General Electric CompanyParts of jet aircraftIn addition to changing the form of company's production by introducing 3D printing in the production of, not only to produce simple objects, but to be replaced with living tissueOrganizationYafoodIt has been developed up to the 3D printers that print out the possibility of becoming a new means to solve existing problems.

Microsoft's support for 3D printing on Windows 8.1 predicts that 3D printers will spread more quickly in general households and Shannen Betcher, general manager of startup business group at Microsoft, said, "3D Making an object will be as easy as printing a document written in Word with a printer.The way that desktop printing has changed our way of writing documents also changes the way we make things with 3D printers I should go there. "

Among creators, people who create works using 3D prints are increasing, collecting DNA from cigarette butts and gums picked up in town and restoring their face with a 3D printer "Stranger VisionsAnd a project to arrange the city using a 3D printer, such as embedding a Lego block in the stone stairway of the town, making it look like the stone is melting, and so on.

A sandstone block built from lego, blending real objects with 3d prints on Vimeo

Shannen Betcher says, "I do not think that desktop 3D printers will replace the form of mass production, it is more economical to produce cheaply the same objects in large quantities, rather than producing them in a short period of time on an individual basis So instead, it will be a trophy when my daughter 's football team won the championship, I can print salad boxes, broken hinges, new product ideas etc in a few minutes at home. " It is thought that people will be able to more easily create their own works by popularizing home 3D printers.

in Software,   Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log