Which of them has coffee and beer to enrich the imagination

ByVictor&Nikolai Vassiliev

When you drink coffee, you often wake up and concentrate, so it is common to drink a cup of coffee in the morning or before work. On the contrary, drinking beer from the morning is rare, often after relaxing after school or work. Coffee and beer seem to have a completely opposite effect at the first glance, but Canada Michael Chow, who wondered which beverage can be more creative, summarized the results independently examined on his own blog It has led to an interesting conclusion.

Coffee vs. beer: which drink makes you more creative? - What I Learned Today - Medium

Mr. Cho, who lives in Montreal, Canada, is a coffee party, he said he was beginning to write after having drunk coffee whenever he decided not to write on his blog. However, in Montreal, recently there was an incident that bacteria leaked into tap water and no one was allowed to drink water for several days. Mr. Cho was unable to make coffee and thought if I could substitute something, I decided to drink beer. Mr. Cho, who drank beer, said he was wondering which one could be more creative when drinking coffee and beer.

ByCoal Miki

From a scientific point of view, the creation, or creativity, that the past ideas remaining in the brain are connected to each other and a new idea is born is called creative. It is the work that connects old ideas in the brain,AdenosineIt is a neurotransmitter like adenosine if you consume all the energyAdenosine receptorIt will slow down the connection between old ideas because it will cling to it.

Once the energy in the body is low, adenosine alerts the brain to do it more slowly. Therefore, after work and exercise, I consume a lot of energy and the brain does not work at normal speed, so I feel tired. Energy will not come back unless it breaks, but if you have a secret weapon, the story is different, Mr. Cho said.

ByHarald Groven

Though Mr. Cho is tired, he drinks coffee, he gains concentration, he is not clogged up with conversation, he says that words will come out fairly. Caffeine contained in coffee blocks adenosine receptors and prevents adenosine from adhering to the receptor. When energy is consumed, adenosine, which should be attached to the adenosine receptor, will not stick by the action of caffeine, so the brain will misunderstand that there are still plenty of energy left.

Also, when adenosine receptors are blocked by caffeine,glucose·Dopamine·Glutamic acidSubstances that activate the movement of nerves like that work out more than usual. Therefore, when you drink coffee it gets healthy and concentration is going to increase.


On the other hand, alcohol contained in beer decreases concentration and attention to the surroundings, but Chow says it will help you to enrich creativity.

University of IllinoisResults of the experiment I have found the surprising effect of alcohol. In the experiment, 40 men have a word game to measure creativity and measure their score. For a word game, for example, one word is put in one word presented at the beginning to make another word, for example "Pit" is "Arm (arm)" "Peach (peach)" " Tar (tar) "to" Armpit (armpit) "" Peachpit (peach seed) "" Tarpit (tar anti) "will be. Experiments were conducted in 20 of 40 subjects drinking two beers, drinking alcohol, and not taking it.

In this experiment, the group that had been drinking beer in advance had 40% more problem solved than the group not drunk.

In another experiment, I gave a topic to 18 creative directors, divided into two groups, drunk and non-drinking group, and asked as many ideas as possible within 3 hours. As a result of the experiment, the drunk group not only thought more ideas than a group not drunk, but also produced four out of the best five ideas.

It means a moment when you come up with ideasEureka MomentAccording to the neuroscientist who was studying about "the brain in the brain a little above the earUpper temporalEureka Moment occurred when the part called "Eureka Moment" was actively moving, and a large amount of alpha waves actively activating the motion of the upper temporal gyrus occurred 5 seconds before Eureka Moment occurred. Because it is known that the amount of alpha wave emission increases as you relax, you can explain that you can come up with new ideas while walking, while showering, or relaxing in the toilet. According to Mr. Cho, the relaxation effect of alcohol causes the same phenomenon as Eureka Moment occurs in the upper temporal turn, enriching creativity.

BySaad Faruque

On the other hand, coffee does not enrich creativity, it increases concentration and work speed, so it is not suitable for trial and error to think of ideas. However, there are actions that will help you to implement the idea you came up with. So, if you do not ask for much thought, coffee should be more effective than beer. Beer seems to be rather worked on thinking and thinking out ideas. When comparing coffee and beer just in terms of creativity, beer seems to be suitable for enhancing imagination, but in reality both drinks should happen naturally by sleeping or resting Cause chemical changes in the brain, Mr. Cho says that coffee and beer should not be considered as a special medicine to drink to increase imagination.

in Science,   Junk Food, Posted by darkhorse_log