"First Taste" which gathered the moments of agony of children who had tasted something that they never ate before

As for taste, it was the only thing that gathered the crucial moment of what reaction to do when first experiencing one with strong individuality was "First Taste"is. There are many patterns showing a fairly intense reaction, and it is a feeling that "This may be the first experience."

First Taste - YouTube

"First time taste"

First of allAnchovies

Take it out of your mouth and stare at her shyness

A complaint face

Salty, dark brown paste-like food "Vegemite"The taste is" Veggymite is quite salty as stated earlier, the scent has a unique scent, taste, richness similar to a yeast formulation such as Ebios tablets spread in the mouth ".


I completely diverted my line of sight, it seems to be unpreferable


"Oh! It is! It is! It is!Similar reaction with

Onion pickles

First enough to spill from the mouth




\ (^ O ^) /


In agony

GherkinA young cucumber used for pickles.

I am gazing at the shyness with a face like human beings do not eat

Yogurt seems to like it quite a lot

Great victory

in Video,   Junk Food, Posted by darkhorse