A diagram showing how much SNS deprives students and society from productivity

SNS such as Twitter and Facebook is no longer integral to people's daily life, and there are many people who use it for work, but I showed how much such SNS deprives students and social workers about productivity is "Social Media At Work". "One out of ten people in society spends more time on the Internet than work" and "Surprising results such as" About 53 trillion yen is applied to SNS in the USA in terms of cost "is applied to SNS" It has come out.

Social Media At Work | LearnStuff

◆ 2 out of 3 Internet users have SNS account

◆ Facebook users reached 955 million people worldwide
This is 13% of the world population, about three times the American population. The penetration rate in the United States is 42%.

Also,LinkedInThere are 175 million users, Twitter has 140 million people,PinterestThere are 20 million users in.

◆ YouTube will be played 4 billion times a day

◆ Twitter has spread explosively
Twitte has been muted only 27 million tweets per day in 2010, compared with 340 million tweets in 2012.

◆ People spend 22% of time on the Internet on SNS
As a result of spending more than twice the time spent on exercising on Facebook.

◆ Monthly usage time per SNS?
When comparing the monthly usage time of four SNS called Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook is the most used time, it is 933 minutes of Dantotsu. Subsequently, Pinterest was 405 minutes, Twitter was 89 minutes, LinkedIn was 21 minutes.

Together, we calculate that we use SNS for more than 24 hours per month.

12 billion hours a day is spent on SNS alone in the US alone.

◆ SNS deprives students of productivity

97% of college students make good use of Facebook during the day and spend 3 hours a day checking SNS. The time spent for studying is about two hours a day.

Surveys have shown that students who use Facebook on a daily basis have lower grades than students who do not.

◆ 1 out of 10 working people spend more time on the Internet than work

Six out of ten people in society use SNS while working, and Facebook (41%) is also ranked as one of the websites that are mostly used during work. Also deal with LinkedIn (37%), CNN (29%), Amazon (25%), YouTube (13%), sports newsESPN(8%) follow.

Also, it is said that once every 10.5 minutes work is interrupted by tweets and Facebook messages, it will take 23 minutes to get back to work again.

In terms of cost, it is a calculation that the US $ 650 billion annually (about 53 trillion yen) is put on the SNS, which is seven times the economic effect damaged by smoking breaks, Google and oil companiesChevron,CHASEIt is said to be equal to the sum of the values ​​of banks.

The company calculates that it costs about 4452 dollars (about 360,000 yen) per SNS user per year.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log