If you make a picture of an event occurring in the Internet world in one minute it will be like this

The Internet population exceeded 3 billion people in 2014, but with the spread of smartphones, it is expected that new people will join the Internet world in the future. In the Internet world where many people work, what kind of events are occurring in a short time of 1 minute,Irfan AhmadHe is doing infographics.

60 Seconds on Google, Instagram, SnapChat, YouTube and Facebook (infographic)

This is what made happen in the minute on the Internet, infographic.

Google has translated 69.5 million words per minute ... ...

400 hours of new movies will be uploaded to YouTube.

On Facebook, 216,302 photos were shared per minute ... ...

In Instagram, "Like" is pressed for 2,435,555 times.

On Twitter, tweets including emoji are posted 9678 times per minute.

Amazon has sales of 222,283 dollars (about 22 million yen) in one minute ... ...

Siri accepted the question by 9,9206 times ... ...

833 333 new files are uploaded to Dropbox.

Individual figures show that incredible events occur on the Internet in just one minute, but these are supported by the Internet population that reached 3.4 billion people in 2016. As long as the Internet population continues to increase, every number related to the Internet will be updated.

in Note,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log