Touch Gesture Icons icons representing 30 types of gestures for touch operations free for commercial use

An icon representing 30 types of gestures of operations that can be used when operating on a touch screen such as a smartphone or a tablet is "Touch Gesture Icons". Not only for personal use but also for commercial use, there are three types of file formats PNG, PSD, EPS.

Touch Gesture Icons | Mobile Tuxedo

Single tap

Double tap

Press & hold

Hold timer

Swipe up

Swipe down

Swipe left

Swipe to the right

Pinch out

Pinch in

Tap with 2 fingers

Double tap with 2 fingers

Press & hold with 2 fingers

Hold timer with two fingers

Swipe up with two fingers

Swipe down with two fingers

Swipe left with 2 fingers

Swipe right with 2 fingers

Rotate left with 2 fingers

Rotate right with 2 fingers

Swipe up with three fingers

Swipe down with three fingers

Swipe left with 3 fingers

Swipe right with 3 fingers

Swipe to the left with 4 fingers

Swipe right with 4 fingers

Pinch out with 5 fingers

Pinch in with 5 fingers

Rotate left by 5 fingers

Rotate right with 5 fingers

When downloading, click "Download Touch Gesture Icons for Free" at the bottom of the page.

Although commercial use can be done freely, it is forbidden to sell and redistribute it on another site without permission.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log