Free icon collection which can also be used for free for free "30 Toolbar Icons"

A simple icon that allows you to customize buttons such as Favorites, Printers, Back and Forward on the toolbar located above and below the screen is called "30 Toolbar Icons"is. It can be used not only for personal use but also for commercial use.

30 Toolbar Icons for User Interface Design | Web Resources | WebAppers

The size of the icon is 32 × 32, and there are two file formats, PSD format and PNG format.

The icon is a photo, mail, download, setting, book, folder, page, tool, print, help, search, paste, undo, home, power, link, star, comment, lock, 31 kinds of sound, user, clock, color wheel, heart, font, flag, all.

There are also icons for customizing buttons commonly used on the web such as e-mails, comments, RSS etc. Although it is also available for commercial use, redistribution and sale without permission is prohibited.

Cotyledon Mini Icons Free for Download | Web Resources | Web Apps

The size of the icon is 16 × 16, the file format is PNG format only.

Here are 20 types of calendar, comment, pencil, image, search, e-mail, print, document, user, RSS, home, shopping cart, loading, saving, moving, heart, star, pie chart, delete, warning It is a mini icon.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log