14 kinds of black and white icon of simple social service that can be used for free

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There are 14 kinds of social service icons which are made simple with white and black respectively. According to the author, "It was not possible for public domain or Creative Commons due to various circumstances", but it is possible to use according to the conditions of the text included in the ZIP file containing the icon I will.

ShiroKuro Social Icons v1.5 - Weblog - hail2u.net

They areHail2u.netThose used in the footer. The file is recorded in PNG format and PSD format.

Icons are feeds, mails, web sites,Twitter,Hatena Group,GitHub,Flickr,Last.fm,Delicious,Hatena Bookmark,Facebook,Wufoo,Amazon,PinterestOf 14 kinds. There are white character and black character version respectively.

Black letter mail (at sign) icon

Feed icon

Flickr icon

White letter web icon

Twitter icon

GitHub icon

There is no plan to increase.

in Design, Posted by logc_nt