Weather icon "Climacons" which can be downloaded free of charge and can also be used for commercial purposes

There are 75 weather related icons such as weather marks, thermometers, directions, etc. It is a set of "Climacons". In addition to PSD, EPS, PNG, SVG, there are also TTF format and WOFF format which is a web font in the file format, and free commercial use is also possible.

Climacons ≡ Climatically Categorized Pictographs

Icons such as weather marks and thermometers are as follows.

The download starts by clicking the "Download" button at the top of the page.

In addition, WOFF format and TTF format files can be downloaded from the following.

Climacons Font ≡ A Climatically Categorized Typeface

Also download here from the "Download" button at the top of the page.

When using the icon, add the following to the style sheet.

@ Font-face {
Font-family: 'ClimaconsRegular'; Src: url ('fonts / climacons - webfont.eot'); Src: url ('fonts / climacons - webfont.eot? #iefix') format ('embedded - opentype'),
Url ('fonts / climacons - webfont.woff') format ('woff'),
Url ('fonts / climacons-webfont.ttf') format ('truetype'); Font-weight: normal; Font-style: normal;}

Although commercial use is possible, sales and redistribution are prohibited.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log