I tried toppings such as "thick cutting bacon" and "foie gras", I went to Denny's "Hamburg Fair"
Even if you say hamburger in a bite, there are various kinds depending on the change in seasoning of toppings and sauces. In "Hamburg Fair" which Denny's is carrying out, we have all seven items including full volume hamburger steak with thick cutting bacon and rich foie gras with luxurious hamburger, so what kind of taste do you want to eat? I decided to see it.
Hamburger Fair - Our Hamburg Days - A selection of new menu & popular staple ☆ Started on 24th April!
I arrived at Denny's.
The menu of the hamburger fair is here. I will try to eat all of these seven menus.
The first thing I came was "Thickly sliced bacon & beef 100% hamburg"(1090 yen including tax). It is a combination of bacon and meat of hamburg + meat, and there is considerable volume.
Bacon and hamburger steak ......
I will put a source of grain mustard and get it. You can enjoy the change as much as the bacon taste adds, and the volume per bite is also quite high. The sauce also has acidity and sweetness, it has a refreshing taste and compatibility with meat is also good. However, considering the price exceeding 1000 yen, "thick cutting bacon" is a place I want you to make it thicker a little more.
This is"Fowagra Hamburger spa with egg"(1030 yen including tax).
The taste of Foie gras is thin, and when you eat it with hamburger steak, the taste is completely lost. Apart from hamburger steak, it is enough to understand the rich flavor when eating alone. First of all, when you eat together, you do not know the taste is "Is not it rich?", But if you eat alone you will find the taste somehow.
As hot spring eggs come in this menu, it is possible to enjoy a mellow taste by trolley like this, but the taste of Foie Gras is further missing if done in this way. So, the menu "Fawagrah Hamburger" will completely collapse, but it is probably best to eat alone Foie Gras and eat hamburger with hot spring eggs.
"Spring vegetable refreshing quaternary pig hamburg - onion sauce of black vinegar and ginger"(890 yen including tax). There are plenty of vegetables such as seasonal bamboo shoots and green asparagus.
In the 7 menus, it is the only hamburger with pork, it has a refreshing taste. And each spring vegetable has a distinctive taste and can be of course alone, but when you eat it with meat it is good to taste the taste. And exquisite sauce made by combination of black vinegar and ginger firmly supports the bottom of the taste, it is a tasty menu. Cutting 1000 yen, the price of 890 yen is also attractive.
Next is "Avocado hamburg"(790 yen including tax). It is the cheapest in this time.
A creamy avocado brings out the umami of the meat, a nice combination. A rich taste like an avocado cream can be enjoyed without losing to the meat. Moreover, even if it is set it is about 1000 yen and the value feeling is high.
This is"Broiled hamburger steak with 4 kinds of cheese"(890 yen including tax).
Four kinds of cheese are indistinguishable, but the golden combination called cheese + hamburg is a taste of stability. The presence of the tomato was a little weak because it was thin, so I wanted a little more if added a lot.
"Premium beef 100% Hamburger gourmet noodle sashimi source"(980 yen including tax).
Fresh refreshing orthodox taste with common combination. Because the taste is not spicy and the taste is thin, the sauce is the basis of the taste, but regrettable that the amount of sauce is small.
Last is "Premium beef 100% Hamburger demiglace sauce"(980 yen including tax).
Even at the same "premium beef 100% hamburger", here we will receive a demiglace sauce. The sauce is more like fitting potato than fitting with meat. Although it is becoming a totally safe taste, I feel that I want something elaborate because it is sole content with no such individuality as compared with other menus.
There are seven different kinds, so if you can go ahead and compare and eat different flavors little by little, you may want to find the taste that fits yourself.
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log