Burger King 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' Tasting Review: Creamy Chipotle Sauce with Melty Avocado and Creamy Chipotle Sauce that Brings Out the Spiciness of Chili Peppers

The ' Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper ', which is sandwiched between 'Creamy Chipotle Sauce' made from '

Chipotle ', a traditional Mexican seasoning made from smoked dried jalapenos, appeared at Burger King on Friday, June 14, 2024. At the same time, the ' Double Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper ', which has two beef patties sandwiched between them, and the ' Cheese Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper ', which has cheese sandwiched between them, were also introduced, so I tried all three types to see what they tasted like.

Mexican Festival is being held! You can enjoy two limited-time products of the popular classic 'Avocado Whopper' at the same time! New 'Creamy Chipotle' with rich spicy sauce and spicy flakes are very popular 'Mexican'

Arrived at Burger King.

At the entrance, there are banners advertising the 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper,' 'Double Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper,' and 'Cheese Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper.'

I ordered everything and brought it home.

First, try the 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper'.

The bun is stuffed with a beef patty, avocado, pickles, lettuce, onion, tomato, and creamy chipotle sauce.

If you look closely at the creamy chipotle sauce, you can see tiny red specks.

The creamy chipotle sauce contains jalapenos and chili peppers, so I imagined it would be spicy, but when I actually ate it, it was hardly spicy at all, and the fragrant aroma of chili peppers and the sour and salty taste reached my tongue at the same time. The taste and aroma of the chili peppers were very strong, but it felt like the spiciness was gone. The taste of the creamy chipotle sauce goes well with the beef patty, as well as with vegetables such as onions and tomatoes. It's not spicy, so even people who don't like spicy food can enjoy this burger.

Next, I will try the 'Double Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper'.

The composition is almost the same as the 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper', but the beef patties have been increased to two.

When you eat it, the beef patty taste is stronger than in the 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' because of the increased beef patty. After tasting it with several editorial staff, the comments were 'I prefer one beef patty because the taste of the creamy chipotle sauce stands out and it has a refreshing taste,' 'I love Burger King's beef patties, so I'm happy with two. Even with one beef patty, the taste of the creamy chipotle sauce is not weakened and you can enjoy the aroma of chili peppers.'

'Cheese Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' looks like this. Yellow cheese is sticking out.

This is a 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' with cheese added.

When you eat it, the most noticeable flavor is the chipotle sauce, and the umami and saltiness of the cheese add to the flavor.

The 'Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' is 840 yen including tax, the 'Double Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' is 1,190 yen including tax, and the 'Cheese Creamy Chipotle Avocado Whopper' is 940 yen including tax, and will be available for a limited time from Friday, June 14, 2024.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1o_hf