A social task management service "ToDous (Todus)" that allows tasks to be easily understood and managed easily

Social task management service "ToDous" that the tasks to be done on the dashboard are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner, the user interface is easy to use, and the cloud service is supporting mobile so it was released from Cybozu.

Task management is important to both individuals and companies, but there are cases where software can not be used easily, or it becomes troublesome to use, and there are cases where it does not go well. On that point, this "ToDous"Presbyopic eye OKSo, we adopt a simple UI that can be used even if there is no explanation like a bank ATM, and it is a very easy-to-use service.

Social task management / sharing To Do can use freely Collaboration service of Cybozu group ToDous

This is the basic screen. Today's task, tomorrow's task, what kind of tasks the members are now holding, etc. are displayed in the list, and the right side is the chat tool.

When registering a task, it is a visually easy-to-understand interface to decide who will be in charge and when to deadline. If it is this, it will not be said that "I got it, I mistakenly set the deadline date".

It is possible to grasp the progress status of the task in an easy-to-understand manner.

You can send "Thank you" with a word like "Like!" To the person who did the task well. There is also a ranking display so that you can feel how much you can contribute. This ranking, not only within the group, but also the ranking of users nationwide using ToDous can be displayed.

A commentary on the movie is here.

ToDous - YouTube

"ToDous" can be used for free if it is up to 3 users (maximum data volume is 50 MB), and it will be paid at more than that. However, it is OK for free to start using month. In addition, the data registered in the free plan will be inherited even when shifting to the pay plan.

Social task management · Sharing ToDo can be used freely Collaboration service of Cybozu Group ToDous | Price

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt