".docx" ". Dotx" ".sxw" ". Odt" free software to convert to PDF / RTF format "NW Docx Converter"

Even if you do not install the latest version of Word and OpenOffice.org, free software that can convert PDF files and RTF files opened with WordPad from each format is called "NW Docx Converter"is.

Open Word / Excel 2007-2010 and OpenOffice files

Click the button in the second page to download the ZIP file,ExplzhExtract with

When unpacking comes out, this is the main body, click it to start up

Easy to use, click "Select File" in the upper left

Select the file you want to convert and click "Open"

After a while the analysis is completed and it will be displayed like this.

Click "Save as" in the upper right

Select a location to save and click "Save"

Then it is saved in RTF format like this, it becomes possible to open it with word pad etc.

To convert to PDF format, click "Create PDF" and just save it the same way

Then it becomes PDF format which can be opened in Adobe Reader etc. like this

By clicking this button, you can delete the thumbnail image displayed on the left side at the time of opening, by switching the display order of the page, it is possible to make only the necessary part into RTF format or PDF format is.

in Review,   Software, Posted by darkhorse