Nintendo's first deficit outlook, Nintendo 3DS sluggish sales

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Nintendo announced that consolidated earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2012 is forecast to be in the red. Nintendo has announced its consolidated financial statements since 1981, but it is the forecast for the first time since that.

(PDF file)Second Quarter Financial Results for the Year Ended March 2012 [Japan Standard] (Consolidated)

Nintendo, the first deficit with 3DS slumping leading leading software at the end of the year | Reuters

Nintendo's announced performance forecast was profitable with net sales of 900 billion yen, operating income of 35 billion yen, ordinary income of 35 billion yen and net income of 20 billion yen, but in the revised forecast , Sales are downwardly revised down to 790 billion yen, and net income is expected to fall to a deficit of 20 billion yen.

Revised operating income is 1 billion yen, ordinary income is -300 billion yen, net income (net loss) is -200 billion yen.

President Satoshi Iwata acknowledged that earnings had been adversely affected by the advancement of hard dissemination in the sale of Nintendo 3DS and revealed a policy to target sales up by introducing leading titles for Christmas and year-end shopping season did.

Nintendo 3DS was released on February 26, 2011. The first shipment was 400 thousand, but I showed a start dash that sells 370 thousand units in two days from sale. However, on the other hand, the number of ten softwares sold simultaneously was 357,000, which is lower than the hard number,From the beginning pointed out that the launch of software is slowIt was done.

Initially, Nintendo DS, which is a model before 3DS, was plagued by chronic out-of-stock and fell into a situation such as premium prices, but 3DS continued to perform smoothly and at the same time the price drops at stores. In MayWeakened weekly sales volume to about half of PSPwas doing.

Nintendo was not squatting hands, but as a new color of Nintendo 3DS in SeptemberMisty pink,In OctoberIce whiteAnnouncedMonster Hunter 3G released in December, announced that 4 is under developmentAlthough it was done, it was forced to struggle.

"Monster Hunter 3G" released on December 10th.

As sales plans, hardware was downwardly revised down to 16 million units, while software decreased to 20 million units, 50 million units. Of course, as well as poor hard sales, the appreciation loss of foreign currency deposits due to the appreciation of the yen has also influenced, and it seems that even when Nikko Nintendo of this country continues to have a difficult time as the yen's appreciation continues.

in Game, Posted by logc_nt