The beauty of roses is not only visible but also I enjoyed it with my nose and tongue

Roses are flowers that have been loved by many people since ancient times, and that scent is said to have loved Cleopatra, the last queen of Ancient Egypt.

I used such roses plenty "FRUPPA BarrajamAs I was advised, I decided to drop it to tea in a tea bag and get it in Russian style.

This jam made in Rose 's famous place, Turkey, rose pulp occupying around 100 g is as high as 70%. Looking at the bottom of the bottle, you can see the shadow of a tightly filled petal floating.

It is made only of rose and sugar, acidulant, gelling agent. I do not have any other fruits.

Golden rules for putting delicious tea better than usual with tea bagsI will keep tea.

I put a jam of pale red petals in tea. This kind of tea with jam is called "Russian tea", but it is not Japan's own way of drinking tea that is often done in Russia. In RussiaJam is treated in line with the tea ceremony 's sweets and drinks tea while lickingThe way seems to be mainstream.

I mixed it and tried to petal again. Since most pigment did not remain in the petals, it seems that the color was transferred to the liquid of the jam.

I only put 2 cups in a small spoon, but I pushed away the scent of the original tea and the fragrance of a brilliant rose was added. When you petalize the petals, somehow the plum-like taste spreads over the tongue. And as an unexpected effect, there was a day after morning the next morning a few days passed. There is also a story saying that you have painted the same jam on bread and eaten your stomach so that you got your stomach, so individual differences may also have the effect of improving bowel movements and cleaning from the body.

It is unbelievable that you are in a living room even if you are immersed in an elegant mood with tea with balijam. In order to distract such bothersome, I borrowed Shiseido indoor air freshener "Rose Blue Rose Room Parfum" (4500 yen including tax).

All containers are made of frosted glass. A delicate rose relief is carved into a pale blue lid. I inquired Shiseido that this beautiful container was unfortunately discontinued in 1998 and is not currently sold.

However, since the refill contained therein still produces itself, it is possible to purchase and purchase it.

When opening the lid, I first feel the scent of roses clearly. However, not a strong scent drifts from the beginning but a scent like a meadow will follow you from the back. The rose fragrance is also sold at the drugstore, but it is a fragrance with deep depth and elegance that draws a line. If you leave it in your surroundings, it seems that a dreadful life will be gorgeous a little.

Rose has a strong image of seeing and enjoying, but as a way of appreciation there are methods such as taste and olfactory in addition to sight.

in Note,   Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log