"Nyan-chan Maru-sushi Ringo" is crisp but dense
Since I was lining up on the shelves of new goods at convenience stores, I tried drinking at once.New item released from January 30It is said that.
Speaking of Naoko, there is an image of a neat taste of "Yokan Orange", but I'm worried about what kind of taste it is because "honey tailoring" in addition to "maru squeezed apple".
Details are as follows.
39 kcal per 100 ml.
I poured it into a glass. The color is thin.
Although it was a drinking impression, in addition to sweetness of apple, due to honey tailoring, sweetness was very strong, it was a strong taste. However, contrary to the inclusion in the mouth, the aftertaste is clean and easy to drink. Kanji that the refreshing drinks of "Yokan Orange" have been reproduced as it is "Maru-squeezing apple".
When you are drinking, the sweet smell of the apple comes in the room. Very nice smell.
The official page is here.
Nicely! Suntory
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in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log