Up to the title of the book Clearly, a 40 gigapixel panoramic photo that you can explore the historic monastery library

The monastery of Prague founded in 1143Strahov MonasteryYou can see in 360 degrees freely around the inside of the library in all directions and clearly read the title of the back cover of about 42,000 voluminous books dating from the 17th century to the 15th century and it was built in the 18th century SolemnPhilosophy LibraryUltra high-definition panoramic photograph which can be watched carefully can be seen to the interior of sculpture decorated everywhere and details of fine fresco painting of ceiling are released.

Explore the library from:.World's Largest indoor Photo: Strahov Philosophical Library, Prague - 40 Gigapixel 360º Panorama

Clicking on the "Start Tour" button will start the tour that shows the highlight like a movie while watching and zooming around the library inside and outside the library.

Click "Show Details" to introduce one highlight.

Choose what you want to see ......

The line of sight moves to the direction of the target and tells us where inside the library is what you want to see.

I found the target and zoomed.

The frescoes of magnificent ceilings were painted in Vienna by 1794Franz Anton MaulbertschIt was drawn up in six months with only one disciple.

Overall view looked up from directly below.

You can zoom to details and see clearly.

Fresco painted entitled "Intellectual Progress of Mankind" includes Adam and Eve,Cain and Abel,MosesYaNoahYaSolomonIn addition to being drawn by various people who appear in the Bible, studentsAlexander the GreatDrawn withAristotle,SocratesYaDemocritusGreek philosophers such as,AsklepiosYaPythagorasIt seems that pioneers of science such as science are drawn. Were you able to find it?

If you zoom to another place you care about, you can clearly read the letters of the book's back cover.

Also the book that entered the glass shelf.

I saw the entrance direction. Entrance is blocked by rope, so tourists do not seem to be able to enter the library usually.

All Images by Jeffrey Martin,Www.360cities.net

Photographer Jeffrey MartinGigaPanBotWe used 2947 high-resolution photographs taken over 5 days together, and when printed, the panorama that will be 23 meters in length is 40 gigapixels (280,000 × 140,000), which is the current number However, it is the largest photograph taken inside the building.

Inside the ruins and historic sites where ordinary people can not enter normally, even if tourists can enter, details of the architectural design that is impossible to see close to the distance, mural paintings and sculptures in the high position , Ceiling painting and so on, this high resolution panoramic photo can be seen. Will not it be published in various ways in various buildings around the world in the future as well as being able to feel like I went and be able to see thoroughly from anywhere in the world?

in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log