Tokyo Electric Power Company, planned a blackout to be implemented in part of Group 3 from 7 o'clock on 15th


Tokyo Electric Power Company announced that scheduled blackout will be carried out as planned from 7 o'clock on 15th.

It is said that the target area is part of Group 3.

Details are as below.
According to NHK news and others, TEPCO said that scheduled blackout will be implemented from 7 o'clock before.

What is being implementedRegional group list announced on 14thOf the group 3, out of.

Specifically, it is Kanagawa prefecture Yokosuka city, Miura city, Zushi city, Tabinobi City, Gunma prefecture Tatebayashi City, Ora region, Tochigi prefecture Sano city, Ashikaga City, Saitama prefecture Ageo city, Okegawa city, Konosu city etc. ).

This blackout period is scheduled until around 10 o'clock, but there is a possibility that the power distribution will be restored so far.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt