KDDI launched "Monthly Discount" that allows smartphones to be purchased cheaply, "IS03" greatly discounted

KDDI today can purchase smartphones at a low price "Every month"We announced to introduce.

More than beforePacket flat-rate plan that can be used cheaply "IS flat"AndOffering free calling software "Skype au"It is announced at the same time and it has become a content that can catch a glimpse of "serious" of the company's smartphone.

Details are as below.
About launching "Monthly Discount" that you can purchase au smartphone with Toku | 2010 | KDDI CORPORATION

According to this release, KDDI will reduce the burden of smartphone purchase by discounting a fixed amount corresponding to the model from monthly usage fee for users who purchased au's smartphone "IS series" to be released in the future " Providing "IS03It is said that it will start simultaneously with the release of.

"Monthly Discount" purchases the "IS series" model specified by KDDI at the "simple course" when making a new contract or model change, and subscribes to the packet communication flat rate service "IS flat" or "double flat rate" On the condition that it discounts a fixed amount corresponding to the model up to 24 months from monthly usage fee.

Although it is an interesting discount amount, in the case of "IS03" the set amount of "monthly rate" is planned to be 1500 yen per month, and the total discount in 24 months will be a maximum of 36,000 yen. Also, SOFTBANK MOBILE 's discount will be held from the second month purchaseMonthly Discount"It is said that discounts will be held for up to 24 months with purchase month as the first month.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log