"Bukkake! Larry Oil Curry" Tasting Review, Cooking Fried Garlic and Rarin Ore in Curry
Momoya's "Spicy a little spicy rice oil"After the big hit, a number of "Larry oil" has been commercialized from various manufacturers. Products ranging from fried rice oil using fried garlic to commodities like something like rice oil something, there are various variations, among them in houseBukkake! Side dish rice oil spicy spicySince it was releasing the retort curry "bukkake! Larceny curry" that bubbles with laur oil, Usbie food selling it, I bought it and tried it.
I usually do not cook rice with curry, but neither may be compatible with anything that matches any food.
What kind of taste it became, review from below.
S & B Sobie Foods Co., Ltd. Bukkake! Rice cooking curry
It seems to give us a strong stimulation, "bukkake! Raisei curry".
How to make the same as ordinary retort curry, warm it with hot water or range it.
The difference is that toppings and oil for bukkake are attached later.
First boil water and heat curry.
And I will call on Mr. Tadaba.
Firstly curry rice is completed. I can only see it as a retort curry with a lot of ingredients that I can not find features like this.
I will buy a topping there. Contents are chili and fried garlic.
There is quite a lot of volume, and odor is also firm. People who have promises to meet people after eating are better not to eat. Curry also has a strong odor, but this is the odor multiplied.
Cooking over lacquer oil further, "Bukkake! Larry oil curry" is completed.
Larry oil flows quickly through the surface of curry and gathers in low places, so let's stir it well and eat it.
The pungent taste has increased somewhat with the rice oil, but the curry taste does not shake at all and firmly spicy. Still, the fragrance of the oil is also involved. I have never put rice oil in curry until now, but this may be Ali in this. What I like best is that the toppings' garlic was crispy. However, as I mentioned earlier, odor is fairly intense, and even if you brush your teeth after meals, odor will rise from the stomach, so I can not recommend going out after this.
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in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt