9 More In-Game Footages From FINAL FANTASY 13

Following 8 battle system tutorial videos, here's 9 more in-game footages from FINAL FANTASY 13.
Read on for detail.
You will see this on booting and data loading. Quite orthodox style.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Field map, Encounter, Battle and Event
As same as the other RPG, you wander around the field, encounter enemies,
get some items and make some events occur in FF13. In the beginning the gameplay itself is monotonous and kinda boring. But the story is quite complicated and hard to understand. You should keep a steady pace.
You have to consume CP(Chrystal Point) to grow your characters' ability. Basically there's no automatic level ups so you must keep your eyes on CP. Consuming CP will make your adventure much easier.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Optima Composition
Optimas(tactics) Editing. "Rush Assault" and "Song for Braves" is set as a default Optima. We composed "Tri-Disaster" and "Sprite's Oratorio". Each of them is quite useful in the fight.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Characters' Status. They already got 3-digit life point, but it's not enough even in this early stage.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Consuming Chlystarium and Grow Character's Ability
Actually consuming CP to make characters strong.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Ability screen
Your "Ability" categorized by "Optima" roles. The abilities they can use in particular role are quite limited. So you should consider well when composing Optima and switch it frequently for smooth combat.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Equipments and Items
"Equipment Ability" will be available when you wear certain combination of equipments.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Area Map & Auto Clip & Configuration
You don't have to use area map so frequently. But you should check auto video clip. There are a lot to understand in the story and you have to see video and description automatically clipped by system to do so. Square Enix has to make more effort on story telling.
The only bad point so far is the complex story and Square Enix's poor storytelling. You have to always care about what is going on to avoid being mixed-up.
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