Videos of Final Fantasy 13 Tutorial to get a grip on the Battle System

When we tried the demo released this April the beautiful images were up to our expectations but the gameplay was still unfinished, leaving something to be desired.
So, did they manage to improve the battle system in time for the actual release? Check these eight videos of the Tutorials to find out!
Videos after the cut! No spoilers!
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Tutorial 01 "Active Time Battle"
In short, the gauge fills gradually when left alone so keep an eye on it and execute your attacks at the right moment.
FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF13) Tutorial 02 "Chain Break System"
Cooperate with your team to deliver consecutive attacks to get your enemy in the state of "Break". The time of "Break" is limited so trying to land as many blows as possible in that time might work better than waiting for the gauge to fill to deliver one big blow.
FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF13) Tutorial 03 "Surprise Attack"
Move stealthily and approach enemies from their behind to make a "surprise attack", with which you can polish off multiple enemies in as short a time as four seconds.
FINAL FANTASY XIII(FF13) Tutorial 04 "Reserve Smoke"
Of the many kinds of Smokes, "Sneak Smoke" was our favourite, which hides you from the enemies. With this you can easily make successful surprise attacks.
FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF13) Tutorial 05 "Optima"
Characters other than the one you're playing basically move on their own, but Optima Change(Paradigm Shift) allow you to switch party members' roles during battle. With this option you can assign them as medics, use them to shield a more vulnerable character or make them concentrate on offense.
FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF13) Tutorial 06 "Command System"
You can plan multiple moves in advance to be executed when the gauge fills, or enter command real-time.
FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF13) Tutorial 07 "Effective Use of Optima Change"
Tips on how to save energy and fight the battles semi-automatically by using "Optime Change"(Paradigm Shift).
FINAL FANTASY XIII (FF13) Tutorial 08 "TP Ability"
The special abilities that uses Tactical Points. For example, "Libra" make your characters learn information of your enemy such as his weak point.
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