Bijin-Tokei hits the racetrack with "Circuit Clock" featuring Gorgeous Babes from the Pit

"bijin-tokei", the clock that shows pictures of beautiful girls for every minute of the day, has launched earlier this year and instantly became a huge success.
Lately we've posted about the "Cute Guy Clock" that naturally followed and the "Gal Clock" which came as a bit of surprise, but this time they came up with "Circuit-Tokei" featuring gorgeous race queens/pit babes from racetracks in Japan.
Read on for details and pics.
circuit-tokei official website / Japanese Ver.(There seems to be no English version yet of the Circuit Clock)

It's basically the same as Bijin-Tokei except the girls hold a racetrack-style time board instead of handwritten chalk boards.

All the girls have professional smiles.

And alluring posture.

In revealing outfits. 1,440 pictures in all, one pic for every minute of the day.

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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log