Difference in how to catch appearance of male and female in terms of communication volume of dating site

In a so-called dating site, my profile photo seems to be very important,People who post photos using the transcendent image correction technique exist like mountains.

But,It does not necessarily mean that one of the good looking people will win. Overseas dating site "OkCupid.com"Announces a very interesting result about the evaluation of the profile image and the relationship between the number of messages exchanged.

Details are below.
Your Looks and Your Inbox << OkTrends

On the official blog of OKCupid.com, as the major premise of the survey, we first defined "the evaluation and the appearance are linking roughly", and simply think that "the number of evaluation is good = the appearance is attractive" and consider the following consideration going.

By the way, it is a part of a female user who is regarded as "evaluation top level".

This is a part of the male user who is regarded as "evaluation top level".

A part of a female user of "Evaluation Medium".

A part of the "mid-evaluation" male user.

Let's see the result of examining the number of the evaluation and the mail exchange.

First, distribution of evaluation from men to women. The horizontal axis is the evaluation, the vertical axis is the ratio to the female as a whole. A reasonable result that the woman who was evaluated as medium is the most is seen. Even if cosmetic surgery and image correction are commonplace, it became a clean distribution.

Let's see the relationship between female rating and number of mails sent by men. Two thirds of all mails are sent to one third of women. Conversely, men will fight the competition twice the magnification on average. By the way, the difference between the highest rated woman and the lowest rated woman is actually 28 times. You can see a bias towards a highly rated lady.

If you do the same survey for women, a completely different graph will appear this time.

First of all, in the dating system, 80% of men are rated "average" 2.5 or less. However, when it comes to actually sending it to mail, in addition to the average, you can see that the largest number of mails are sent to men who are just below the average.

From this result, the average woman emerges the thought pattern "most men think that they are below the standard level, but it sends mail as that".

By the way, an example of a man who is considered to be below the standard. I feel that the evaluation of women is very severe.

The result of matching the sexes is like this. Men are strongly correlated with the evaluation of heterosexuality and the number of e-mails. It is often said that "a man is deceived by its appearance", but it seems that exactly that street is done.

Next, let's take a look at the result of combining your own evaluation and heterosexual evaluation on the "success rate" that gets the reply of the mail.

Dark colors represent female senders, while light colors represent male senders. Although the result that it is easier to receive a reply as the evaluation to myself is higher, if you look at this in more detail, interesting results appear.

First, if the woman is the sender. The horizontal axis of the graph shows the evaluation of the male who sends the mail, the graph of each color represents the case where the woman who is high in green is the sender, and represents the sender of the woman who is graded and has a low rating of red. The more fascinating women exist in the upper part, the higher the success rate. Also, from the fact that it falls to the right as a whole, you can also see that attractive men have more opponents who mail other people and the reply rate drops.

If a man is a sender, this also shows an interesting trend. When a highly rated male e-mails to a woman with a low rating, the reply rate is much lower. Although it seems to be the result after watching spam mail, it is said that in the test it removes them and counts them. This is already a question of personal self-evaluation.

Because there are many other factors that influence the evaluation, such as the angle of the image and the text of the profile, although it can not be said that the appearance can not be unconditionally apparent, it is a fact that it is a big factor. And it is also a fact that there is room to work hard even if it looks less than average. "※ However limited to handsomeIt seems that it is not always true.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log