What is the psychology of those who use 'two shots with a lover' in their SNS profile pictures?

When browsing SNS, sometimes you see a person who has set a 'two-shot photo with a lover' as their profile image. You may have thought, `` Why do you use a picture taken by two people even though it is a personal account, '' but I am enrolled in a doctoral course with

Amanda Forest , an associate professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh Kori Krueger explains 'The psychology of those who use a two-shot picture with a lover in their SNS profile images.'

Communicating Commitment: A Relationship-Protection Account of Dyadic Displays on Social Media-Kori L. Krueger, Amanda L. Forest,

Why people post 'couple photos' as their social media profile pictures

Social psychologists refer to dyadic displays as `` dyadic displays '' to use a couple's or married couple's photo as their profile picture, or to show how deeply they are on SNS posts. It is a relatively common act.

In a study of 236 Facebook users with lovers, Forest et al. Reported that 29% of respondents used 'pictures of a couple' as their current profile image. In addition, 70% had posted about their relationship with their lover, and 15% said they had mentioned their lover in their latest Facebook post.

Forest points out that those who tend to make two shots with a lover a profile picture or make posts related to the lover have a certain tendency. According to Forest, 'people who are very happy with the relationship', 'people who have a strong affection for the other', 'people who have a feeling of jealousy', 'rejected or cut off from the other People who are afraid of doing things 'are likely to show their relationship with their lover publicly on SNS.

In contrast, 'people who tend to be uncomfortable with relying strongly on others' and 'people who want to protect their independence' can use two shots of their SNS profile image with their lover, Forest argues that he rarely posts anything about it.

Whether you post about your lover on a particular day also depends on how your relationship with your lover changes. On days when they feel more uneasy about their relationship with their lover than usual, or on days when they can deepen their relationship with their lover, they are more likely to mention their relationship with their lover on SNS.

Regarding the reason why people appeal on SNS about their relationship with

lovers, some researchers suggest that `` people who are closely related to lovers regard lovers as part of themselves '' . Some researchers think that people who are no longer part of the concept of a lover explaining themselves can talk about lovers on SNS without hesitation. In fact, a survey conducted by Forest et al. Also confirmed that those who are particularly satisfied with their relationship with a lover regard the lover as part of themselves.

On the other hand, Forest points out that there may be more strategic reasons for appealing on social media. SNS allows you to connect with so many people that it is easy to spot former lovers, close colleagues, friends of the opposite sex, and attractive rivals that can pose a threat in your relationship with your lover. Therefore, appealing a lover relationship on SNS and suppressing other competitors is one way to protect the relationship between these two people from these threats. In addition, in order to 'raise the self-esteem by the relationship between the lover get to know the other people', also that there are people who are appealing the relationship between the lover in the profile of SNS I know .

Forest further points out that social media profile images and the latest posts are likely to give others an accurate impression of themselves . SNS users have posted a photo of the couple, from other people who are susceptible to evaluation of the 'is able to have good feeling, a is person who is satisfied with the relationship between' research result has been also introduced.

'If you've never profiled two shots with your lover, you might be surprised that others use the two shots as a profile picture. However, this behavior has a positive effect on the relationship between the two. It could bring it, 'said Forest.

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