"Lake Biwako Sentai Cigar Ranger" will eradicate spicy cookies
Red konnyakuRed,Lake Biwablue,Huna sushiyellow,Omi Ricewhite,Omi beef"Lake Biwa Squadron Cigar Ranger" fighting five black people to get rid of spicy cookies. In short, two of the 12 cookies are a bit of sweetness that it is spicy, but since I had a strange impact, I bought it a lot and ate it. Will the Cigar Ranger protect us so that we do not eat hot cookies?
Details are as below.
Cigar Ranger with red Konjac, Lake Biwa, Huna sushi, Omi rice, Omi beef and Shiga prefecture sights and specialty items. I just do not feel like just being a bit out of the blue ... ....
If you are going to eat spicy cookies, Red Konjac Red will help you and help you like this.
By the way, there was not anything particularly hot looking at the raw materials. However, it is a careless enemy.
It was in the empty box of the vent ...
Regardless of where you look from, it's pretty ordinary cookies. Two of them are spicy in it.
To be honest, it is completely indistinguishable from appearance. Cigar Ranger will not come to help.
I decided to eat and tried it, but at the beginning I did not understand at all because the sweetness spreads faintly. However, the spicy cookie stimulates both sides of the tongue with peppery peppers and hot pepper series afterwards. Even people who do not like hardships are not as spicy as to get rid of them, but they are hard for attacking the throat in plain ... .... Let's avoid avoiding spicy skillfully without resorting to Cigar Ranger.
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in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt